3# Meeting the Family...

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(A/N: The pic above is what your OZ character looks like)

-Your POV-

Granny and I talked for awhile about random things happening in our lives, most questions were simple and easy but when she asked about my OZ account I choked on my own spit because I didnt think that she would ask such a question but alas I had to answer her "Umm well my OZ account is good" I said but she gave me a look telling me to carry on "Ahh I have been winning lots of fights lately in OZ" (A/N: your OZ account fights in OZ just like King Kazma but the thing is you kinda have the same fighting skills like him but a bit better) Granny was quite shocked to hear that but then she just laughed which got me confused as hell "Whats funny Granny?" I asked with a really confused looking face "Oh my dear, its just that I wouldn't think that you would do that type of stuff" she said while laughing "Well I thought it would be fun, anyways it keeps me occupied when I have nothing to do" I replied with a pouty face "Oh cheer up dear, anyway what is the name of your fighting OZ account" she said with a small smile "Umm...the name of my account is Nightmare"(A/N: I'm sorry if you don't like that name it is the only thing I can think of so far) when Granny heard that name she put a serious face on the asked "You mean the Nightmare OZ account is yours? the one who bet almost all the players in the OZ championship? the OZ account Nightmare who has been on television these days?" I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head really slow "I'm proud of you my dear" she said with a smile on her face, I couldn't believe my ears so I had to ask "Wait did you just say your proud of me?" I said while pointing my finger at myself, but all she did was nod with a smile, I was going to ask more questions but the Natsuki came in telling us that dinner was ready.


Natsuki was introducing everybody to Kenji and I but I zoned out for most of it so I didn't really catch anybody's names , Kenji noticed I wasn't listening so he gave me a piece of paper with all their names on it, I looked at him and he just smiled then turned his attention back to the others but when he did that an old guy said something along the lines of "When is the baby due?" which made Kenji feel embarrassed and uncomfortable which made me laugh quietly. I had a look at everybody, I kinda know a few of them but the rest I don't know...'wait a minute where is Kazuma?' "Umm excuse me?" I asked quietly, Granny could hear me even though she was on the other side of the table "Ahem" was all she said which made everybody look at her "Yes Mother?" a lady asked 'I think her name is Mariko?' "(Y/N) hear has a question to ask" then everybody turned their faces to look at me which made me go red with embarrassment "Umm...ahh...d-do any of you g-guys or ladies know w-where Kazuma is?" I asked shyly 'Why the heck am I stuttering for?' I cursed at myself quietly "Oh, he is in his room sweetheart, are you two friends?" said the lady who I believe is his mother 'What was her name again? Kiyomi?' "I'm not entirely sure if we are friends or not" I replied while playing with my fingers *BING*  'I wonder who could of texted me at this time probably not Natsuki since she is just one seat away from me' I got out my phone and read the text:

OZ: King Kazma wants to verse you to see who is a better fighter, If you accept then send 'I accept' if you do not accept please send 'I don't accept'.

You: I accept 

'I wonder why he wants to verse me? who knows, I need to get to my laptop before the battle starts' "Hey (Y/N)? are you alright?" Kenji asked me with a concerned face "I'm alright, everybody thank you for the food" I said bowing before leaving the table to run to my room "Did that girl even eat anything?" a person asked before I left the earshot of the room.

-Natsuki POV-

"Did that girl even eat anything?" asked Mansuke with a bit of concern in his voice "(Y/N) doesn't really eat much these days but if she didn't eat anything she must be hungry, I'll make a plate for her to eat" I said while grabbing her plate and putting food on it "She did look a bit pale and skinny, didn't she?" questioned Naomi and all I heard were a few 'Yeah's' "Doesn't her parents feed her ?" asked Kiyomi, I was going to say something but Granny bet me to it "(Y/N)'s parents dont feed her since they died in a car accident when she was only 3 years of age, I found her in the backseat alive and well so I took her in and raised her like my own child for 4 years but one day at the grocery store someone took her after 2 years I went to the same grocery store but what shocked me was that I saw her running away from these men in black suits, she must of remembered me since she ran to me with tears in her eyes then the next thing I knew she was hugging my legs with all her might, I don't know what happened to her but all I knew was that she needed me to protect her, I took her back home, tended to her wounds, fed her and protected her from anybody who was a threat to her. 1 year and 6 mouths later she decided to leave home to get a job and an apartment, she visited from time to time and during those times she met Natsuki who become her first best friend, so now she is here for the summer also to make new friends but also a family that she needs." after Granny said that a few people were in tears 'I can't believe I'm her first best friend' I thought to myself "I remember her, she always liked to cook with me even when she was young" said Mariko while wiping her tears away "Ah now I remember her as clear as a crystal, I taught her self defense encase she needed it she even called me Sensai a few times but her Sensai will always be Granny" Mansuke said with a smile on his face, while everybody was talking about her I left to give her some food since she might be really hungry by now.

-No Ones POV-

Natsuki walked to (Y/N)'s room to give her some food when Natsuki got there she saw that (Y/N) she was on her laptop playing on OZ which kinda made Natsuki surprised since (Y/N) said to her that she doesn't play on OZ but the thing which surprised her the most was that her OZ avatar was the one and only Nightmare...

Well that is the end of chapter 3, I made this one a bit longer since I thought 'Hey why not make chapter 3 longer' anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this, I'm trying to update as fast as I can but homework right now is making this hard to do. So until next time...

Love ya, my little monsters xxx

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