5# The Secret...

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-Your POV-

'I guess it is time for me to go to the bath before anybody else decides too' I thought to myself, it only takes me 10 minutes to find the bathroom I have a look to see if nobody else is in there and when I see that there is nobody I have a look to see if it is clear for me to take off my clothes "I guess I can take off my clothes now" I said to no one particular, I take off my top to reveal my (f/c) bra but just before I can take off my jeans the door opens to reveal Kazuma...

-Kazuma's POV-

After I stopped mopping in the closet room about me losing to a girl I decided to take a bath but what I didn't know was that someone was already in there, so when I got there I was shocked to see that (Y/N) was in there with no top on so that meant I could see her (f/c) bra, I quickly cover my eyes and turn around "I'M SORRY!!!" I yelled with a bright blush on my face "It's okay, you didn't know anybody was in here" she said calmly then I heard some rustling so curiosity got the best of me at the wrong time...

-Back To Your POV-

'I don't care if he saw my bra, I just care if he saw what is on my arms' I thought to myself while trying to grab my top from the clothes basket but it wont come out so when I was trying to get it out I didn't notice that Kazuma turned around to see what was on my arm "Hey whats that?" he asked which made me freeze "Whats what?" I asked back with concern in my voice 'Please, please tell me he didn't see my arms' I thought but I guess luck wasn't on my side today "Whats that on your arm" he asked while coming closer to me "Oh that is nothing" I lied while moving back, but he knew I was lying so he moved forward and grabbed my right arm "Your lying, what is this on your arm" he questioned again but angrier, I moved back again but this time I slipped and out of reflex I grabbed what was closer to me which happens to be Kazuma...

-Back to Kazuma's POV-

(Y/N) moved back again but this time she slipped so she quickly grabbed what was closer to her which happened to be me... so now I was on top of her with both of my hands on either side of her head, my legs were on both sides of her hips, both of our faces were 3cm apart from each other and her eyes are closed because I think she hit her head when falling 'I think she is unconscious' I thought to myself, I looked at her arms to only be shocked at what I saw, on both arms were cuts that look old but the right arm cuts are bleeding 'I probably opened the cuts by grabbing her arm harshly' after I thought that I just realized what type of situation we are in because if someone walks in right now they will get the wrong idea. 'I guess I got to fix this problem now'...


-Back To Your POV (Again)-

"Ughh...my head hurts like hell" I said to myself, well I thought I said it to myself, but I guess I didn't since after I said that I heard someone giggle "You know you shouldn't be saying words like that until you are much older" someone stated I turned my head to see Kiyomi "Umm I know that, it just sometimes happen" I stated then I looked down to see that I was in different clothes:

"If you are going to ask who changed you into those clothes, I did" she said "Also if you are going to ask if can I read minds, I can't" she stated "Are you sure because it sure seems like it" I replied which she only smiled to "It's a secret" she...

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"If you are going to ask who changed you into those clothes, I did" she said "Also if you are going to ask if can I read minds, I can't" she stated "Are you sure because it sure seems like it" I replied which she only smiled to "It's a secret" she said with her index to her lips "Now talking about secrets, why don't you tell me about those secrets on your arms" she stated with a serious voice, I looked down to my arms "Does Granny now about this?" she asked I simple shook my indicating a no "Would you like to talk about them?" she asked again with a bit of concern 'Should I tell her or not?' I asked myself and then I nodded my head to indicating a yes.

So explained what happened to my parents, how Granny looked after me, when I was kidnapped, how the kidnappers abused me which made me do the cuts, when I escaped and where I found Granny also how I did street fighting in Tokyo (A/N: You went to Tokyo for 4 months for vacation) which got me more injured than before. The thing I didn't know was that Natsuki, Kenji and Kazuma were listening to me the whole time I was explaining my life with Kazuma's Mum after I finished I couldn't help but cry, I haven't told anybody that my whole entire life until now, Kiyomi saw how that would effect my life so much so she just hugged me and told me everything is going to be alright from now on also that I finally have a proper family to look after me.

Wow I almost cried writing this but I didn't, so that is chapter 5 for you, hope you enjoyed. See ya next time...

Love ya, my little monsters xxx

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