Chapter 5

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I started heading to the library to get my mind off of things. When I got there I saw Weiss having some trouble carrying some books.

Me: Whoa there. Here let me help you.

I grabbed the books she was carrying and put them down on a table.

Weiss: Thanks

Me: No problem. You mind if I join you?

Weiss: *blushes* U-um n-no not at a-all.

We were there for hours when Yang walks in.

Yang: Aww! Look at the lovebirds together.

Me: Huh? I think I'm just going to leave.

[Weiss's POV]

(Y/n): Huh? I think I'm just going to leave.

Me: U-um o-okay

As he left I stared at Yang.

Yang: What?

Weiss: You ruined the moment here.

Yang: What moment? You were just studying together and that's it.

[(Y/n)'s POV]

It was getting late so I decided to go outside to get some fresh air.

Me:'Well Team RWBY seem nice. Although Weiss is really cute. Hmm I didn't think I would think like that about a girl. Well I should go to bed'

[Time skip]

I sat in class waiting for classes to start. When everyone was there the teacher then arrived.

???: Well looks like we have a new student. Would you please come here and introduce yourself?

I walked up to him.

Me: Um hey I'm (Y/n) Ackerman nice to meet you.

???: Well Mr. Ackerman I'm Professor Port. Please sit down.

I sat down in the back of the class by myself so no one would bother me

Me:'Fuck this class is so boring, I didn't think a class could be so boring like this and this uniform is so uncomfortable'

As class went by I went to get some lunch. I sat down at my usual table by myself.

I finished my food then I saw Cardin bullying the bunny Faunus again.

Me: Hey Winchester!

Cardin: Beat it Ackerman

I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

Me: Listen here and listen good. I'm only here to make your life miserable. Your parents owe my dad a lot of money so tell your shitty family to pay up or you won't be alive by the end of this semester. Got it asshole?

Cardin: U-um y-yeah w-whatever

I let him go and headed to the bunny Faunus.

Me: Hey you alright?

???: Y-yeah thank you. I'm Velvet.

Me: (Y/n). Well I guess I'll see you around Velvet.

I went back to my seat to pick up my tray and went to my next class.

The Son of the Mobster (RWBY Weiss x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now