Chapter 2 - A new beginning.

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I awoke to an unfamilar white roof, yet it seemed somehow familiar.
I sat up and winced slightly in pain.
I began to look around and realized that I was in a hospital, I noticed the stitches and splint on my arm and a number of bad bruises across my visable body and could feel a bandage wrapped rather tight around my head.

I tried to recall the events before I woke up and then it all came rushing back to me it started to give me a sering headache.
I started crying and wincing in pain as each jolt of wimpering caused more pain.

A nurse came in and began to try and calm me down patting my pack and saying phrases like "don't worry honey it's all going to be okay" and "don't worry your okay now, we will take care of you".

I slowly began to calm down and she gave me a cup of water and some pain killers and told me that I needed to rest, then explained how to call her for help ect then she left the room and everything was silent.

As the pain killers began to take effect I decided it would be best to take her advice and try to get some sleep.
As I tried to doze off but thoughts and questions about the previous events rushed through my head.
Edventually i slowly drifted off into a sleep of nothingness.

I awoke to a knock on my door and the nurse entering, she came to my bed and began asking how I was feeling and checking my pulse ect.
When she was done she stood back up and told me I had guests and that they would enter after she left.
I wondered who the guests could be. The nurse then told me I can move more freely but should take it easily and said goodbye then left the room.

Shortly after ryuzaki enter with watari, ryu jumped on my bed being careful of my injuries and drip and hugged me and told me how great full he was, I hugged back and told him the same thing.
After a little bit I looked up to see a lovingly smiling watari now sitting next to my bed, ryu hopped off me and took a seat next to him and began smiling too.

Watari began to speak "y/n I have some good news" I was surprised and intrigued by this statement I had hope, i smiled and asked watari what the news was, he told me that he ran an orphanage where ryu lived, called whammys with a man named roger for the gifted and talented and would like me to come and live with them there.

I was so excited I basically forgot about the previous events and accepted his requests happily.
Ryu yelled a loud yessssssssssss then began chanting "y/n gonna live with us" over and over again i smiled and began laughing at his loud out outburst which caused the nurse to come in.

Ryu quieted down and watari began talking with her about when I can leave the nurse told him that I should be fine to leave at the end of the week, as I had been asleep for 2 days they just needed to monitor me a little longer to make sure my condition was stable and improving.

She then told us that visiting hours were almost over, so we began to say our goodbyes then they parted their ways until tomorrow when watari said he would be back.

After the nurse checked me again I went to sleep thinking about what fun the future holds for me, and the excitement living with ryu would bring.
I also thought about school, watari had said it was for the gifted and talanted so I was worried about how good I would go there.

Sincerely yours -
Author Chan.

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