Chapter 5

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Chapter five:

“Derrek!” I shouted as I kicked open his door, “Where the hell are you?!”

I looked around the room and saw it was completely void of anyone so I continued to stomp into his and Max’s bedroom. Nothing. Where the hell could they both be? It wasn’t even fifteen minutes since we left them at the door.

I turned to my left when I heard running water in the bathroom, someone was taking a shower. I wondered who it was. I wasn’t sure if the person showering was Max or Derrek, and I didn’t want Max to feel the wrath of my revenge. I mean come on, sunburning your name into someone else’s skin? Who does that!

I decided that I really didn’t care who it was because frankly I just wanted to let some anger loose, and Max would forgive me if it was, in fact, him inside. I closed my eyes and imagined the vapour surrounding me. I held my hand to the door, the tips of my fingers touching the pad of my thumb.

I opened my eyes and spread my fingers wide open against the door. As my fingers spread apart frost seeped out from under my hand and spread across the door making the softest tinkling sound. It encased the door and built up into solid ice around the edges and I imagined it creeping across the walls on the other side.

I could feel the large amount of steam on the other side of the door so I channelled my energy to pick the steam up and slowly freeze it to snow. Now, I concentrated hard on imagining the water droplets cascading down from the shower head and dripping down the body of the person underneath so, with the slightest movements of my fingers, it immediately froze to ice.


I smiled. My ears were greeted with the shriek of a freezing male which was soon followed by a bang of the shower door, a thud of the man falling on the slippery sleet covered tiles and another banging once he found out the door was frozen shut.

“Valerie!” he shouted.

 I coughed out a laugh when I recognised the voice as Derrek’s. Thank God for that.

My entertainment was cut short when I saw a faint red glow around the edges of the door and I knew he was melting the ice. I moved to sit on the closest bed as I waited him out, I wasn’t going to leave before I could see him half frozen. It only took a few seconds before the melted ice, turned water, was dripping and the door was slammed open by a furious looking Derrek.

Steam poured out of the bathroom disappearing once it mixed with the cooler air and I could see the once frozen bathroom now looked as though it was mildly flooded. Finally my gaze landed on Derrek. He held a soaking wet white towel around his hips and even though he was literally steaming on the spot, his body would shudder every once in a while.

“You are so dead.” He gritted out.

“Hey! That was just payback for your stupid prank!” I sneered back half turning and pulling my shirt down my shoulder to show his name blazing on my shoulder blade.

He smirked and pulled the towel tighter around him.

“Suits you.”

I gaped at him. That’s it?

“That’s all you have to say?!”

“Yep” he replied before strutting to the wardrobe. He turned his head so he was looking over his shoulder and asked, “Now if you don’t mind I’d like to change”

Instantly he dropped his towel and I only just managed to spin around squeezing my eyes shut. Blood flushed my cheeks and I scurried out of there. At least he didn’t see me blushing.

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