Purple guy x child reader: like father like child

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"You know your a pain in the butt sometimes right kido." Your dad said while you hung off his arm. Of course you nodded at his statement, you did get his mischievous side. Today you both we're going to the pizzeria, it was close but everyone was meeting up there for who knows what reason. Which meant you could annoy Mike, which is entertaining to you and your dad. Although it did frighten the others when Mike finally snapped and chased you until he couldn't find you anymore. Good thing being seven years old means being small enough to fit in good hiding places. You both didn't take any measures took look nicer than usual though, even if you two haven't seen them in around a year. Of course you both were already running late so your dad just threw you in the car and got himself in, like him you had a high pain tolerance surprisingly. After awhile of driving you got to the pizzeria and of course locked onto your dad's arm like earlier, he doesn't even fight it anymore. He opened the doors and everyone looked your way to see you hanging like an upside down Kola while his arm was out. Everyone chuckled at the sight thinking that Vincent finally met his match. "You know if the kid didn't have the purple ends on their ends or the attitude no one would think your the dad." Mike commented smartly, so of course my father smirked and got you close enough to jump onto him. Which of course you did, and had the same smirk on too. "Don't get smart with me mike." Of course Mike ignored him while trying to rip you off of his back. During this phone guy was trying to get Mike to calm down, Jeremy was panicking a bit, Fritz was just watching, and the oh so protective purple parent was laughing his butt off. Finally you latched onto his arm and was being shake around by Mike in attempt to get you off. This point phone guy and Fritz was freaking out too with Jeremy, while your dad was about to dying laughing any minute. You started laughing too right before you finally flung off and across the room. Everyone but your dad was scared to see how bad you got hurt. You got up laughing and went back over to Mike. "Again please Uncle Mike." You laughed happily, they thought was cute but was kinda freaked out at the same time. "Vincent what's wrong with your kid? (Y/n) took a hit to the head like nothing." Mike asked while your dad just shrugged. You went over and hugged phone guys legs, Jeremy and Felix awed at the action. "Are you my other parent?" You asked phone guy cutely just like your dad told you to earlier. Of course he freaked our while blushing, and you couldn't understand a thing he was saying. Surprisingly you were picked up by the collar and put in Mike's arms. "Ok that's it no more messing around you two. Come on kiddo lets get you some tokens so you'll behave." He grumbled the first part but was nice when talking about getting you out of his hair. Lets just say having family like this was fun at times, especially when Mike did things just so you'd leave them alone.

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