Yandere puppet x reader: strings

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Yea this has a few warnings: Richard is in it  so expect that perv, some cursing, and a little violence.


'ugh I can't stand this guy. I'm about to let one of the animatronics get me.'  You thought while ignoring Richard.  'I really wish Jeremy was here.' You slapped Richards hand again while in thought. When Jeremy was here Richard does it less because Jeremy tries to stay between us. Poor Guy though since he's so nervous a lot you feel bad for him when he tries to defend you from Richard. You got up and started walking where the animatronics weren't at. Soon you wandered into a room that had a huge box in it. 'hmmm they wouldn't find me in here I bet.' You though before you climbed it; it was even bigger inside than what it was on the outside. You stayed in there for awhile, and eventually lost track of time. Without you noticing the box opened, and you we're grabbed and yanked out which you did notice. Let's just say ready to fight was an understatement cause you kinda kicked his shin and almost his crotch. "Calm down babe it's me!" You stopped until you realized it was Richard, then you tried to kick him in the crotch again. "I said calm down. I want you to touch me but not like this." He said while keeping you away from kicking him. "Let me go Richard!" You screeched while trying to escape, cause who wouldn't want to escape the grasp of the guy that keeps trying to touch your butt. "Not until you listen." 


"Yesh you sound like a teenager, but look in the box you were in." You look in and see puppet in the same box you were. Richard put you down while you kept looking, and he closed up the box. "Thanks I guess." You thanked him which he just nodded and you both walk toward the exit. When you got close you felt a fug on your left wrist, you looked and saw a string that led to the box Puppet was in. You tried to get it off but the string tightened and started trying to drag you to the box. You kept trying to rip it off while still pulling it away from the box, although all it did was make it tighten more and draw blood. An axe was thrown that almost got your arm  but it got the string off. You watch as Richard picked up the axe and walked out with you to the parking lot. "Where the hell did you get that from?!"You asked in shock and worry. "Don't worry about it." He answered before leaving. 'How can I not worry.' You thought before going home to sleep, cause after all you still have to come back to work tomorrow. 

Timeskip brought to you by the purple duo (Vincent & Richard)

It was almost twelve and you were in the office with Richard like usual. Of course you were still thinking on why puppet didn't kill you yesterday, maybe the animatronics weren't that bad. You sat at the desk doing the normal things, flashing your flashlight, checking the vents, and keeping the music box wound up. Until you turn on the light and saw a pale guy with black hair and black eyes. He ran out of sight and you quickly chased after him, despite Richard's shouts telling you not to. You ran into the room where Puppet's box is and saw that you were alone but there was a opening in the wall, like a secret door. You shook your head no and was about to go back to Richard till you felt a tug on your arms and legs. You look down  to see strings  on your arms and legs. Even though you tried to break them and pull away you got dragged into the room, where no one could hear your cries for help. Soon you were wrapped up by strings and saw that the guy you were chasing was the one controlling them. He smirked and slowly faded away until you saw puppet. 

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