Purple guy x child reader: like father like child 2

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This is just to try and break out of writers block, so I'll do the requests after. 


"Do you have to go?" You ask your dad while he was driving. "Yeah I have to meet up with someone." He responds while pulling up to the pizzeria. He gets out and you follow suit with your bag. He opens the door and you see Mike, Phone guy, Jeremy, and Fritz waiting. You walked in with the bag. "Good luck." Your dad snickers before closing the door and going back to the car. 

"I can't believe we agreed to take care of her for two days." Mike growled out while talking to them. "I can't believe it either." You interrupted plainly. Phone guy quickly took you to the game room and away from Mike. "Is something wrong (Y/n)? You never act like that." He asked, actually being concerned for you. "I want to be with dad." Responding quietly while looking down you fidget a little. "He'll be back soon I promise." You shook your head no a little and tried to explain. "I wanna be with him cause when I'm not I don't get to have fun." 

"Is that why you're acting different?" Nodding at his answer you stayed quiet. You felt as Phone guy picked you up and walked back to Mike and them. Looking at him curiously you watch as he puts you on Mike's arm. "Why did you do that?!" Mike yells at him, smiling a little you hug onto mike's arm. "Uncle Mike!" You sang out while laughing. He tries to pull you off but after five minutes he kinda just gives up. 

They leave and lock the pizzeria while Mike walked over to a car. "Y-you think she'll be okay without a car seat?" Jeremy asks. "Probably... This is the kid that takes pain like it's nothing." Mike says before shaking his arm. Since you were half asleep it only took a couple shakes till you went flying. Phone guy takes you and puts you in between him and Jeremy. Fritz was in shotgun already and you heard the trunk slam down. Watching Mike walk back over and get in the driver's seat. 

He started up the car and started driving towards their house. Not liking the current seat that your in you unbuckle it. You climb over onto Phone guy's lap and cuddled up to him, despite his protest. You made sure that you had a tight grip on his shirt before taking your nap. 


Waking up you realize that your now at their house. Also that your grip on phone guy stayed true. Yawning and rubbing your eyes you see that you both were the only ones in the room. "Have a nice nap?" He asked with a chuckle. "Sure did Mom." You reply before going to the kitchen, not noticing his blush. This is gonna be a fun weekend for sure.   

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