4 | annalise

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beautiful cover by tigerliliesblue

i seize up in fear. my mind is screaming for me to run, but my body is frozen. as the footsteps near, i become paralyzed. slowly i turn around, meeting the eyes of four fully grown men.

stupid move annalise! stupid stupid move.

one of them smirks at me, flashing one of his disgusting gold teeth. "don't be scared pretty girl." he inches closer to me until our noses touch. "you can't run." he reeks of alcohol and cigars, the stench alone, enough to make someone drop dead.

i gape at them. "g-guys!" i begin, my voice trembling. "i-i look like a wet dog! you could find some other gal to uhm...help you." i say, walking backwards, only to crash into one of their chests.

one of gold tooth's grubby paws plays with a strand of my dripping wet hair. "but you're more convin-it." he says. i internally cringe at his grammar. "you mean convenient?" i ask, unable to help myself, but the second he narrows his beady eyes at me, i know i made the wrong move.

my eyes dart from left to right, trying to look for a way out of the mess i created for myself, and i find a small opening between two of the men. i count down in my head, and then launch out of the circle they enclosed me in, running for dear life, the rain pouring down and drenching me.

as my legs carry me as fast as they can, my heart begins to palpitate in fear, and i can hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. soon i'm rounding the corner of a building.

faster annalise, faster.

i ram squarely into one of the drunkard's chests.

how did they get here so fast?

"please!" i beg the man. "i didn't do anything to you, please don't rape me!" but my words come out as a jumbled mess. tears are streaming down my face freely and i drop to my knees, my whole body quivering. the adrenaline that was previously pumping through my veins vanishes into thin air, leaving me a sobbing, hot mess.

i lean over, swiping at my tears, trying to labor my breathing, and before i know it, my whole body hits the pavement.


kenanichole who writes so effortlessly, i'm in utter awe x
#918 in short story? you are all incredible.

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