17 | orion

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i needed this. this time, this space. i needed to get my life in check.

"orion?" my tutor asks, snapping her manicured fingers in front of my face. "stay focused."

after my father packed up and moved us a few hours away, they decided to homeschool me. apparently, "that girl was a nuisance to my education", but so were the scars on my back and my warped way of thinking, but you didn't see me complaining.

father is on a business trip, once again. europe this time. apparently he's into french ladies now.

after we moved, my mother found out he had been cheating on her, something that i've known my whole lifetime. they've decided to get a divorce. unfortunately for him, they didn't sign a prenuptial agreement.

with my gold digging mother and hateful father out of the way, it gave me time to think. silence spoke volumes, which was just what i needed.

i thought about everything. my father, my mother, my life, and most importantly, anna.

that night kept replaying in my head. i had dropped a bomb on her, and expected her to just reciprocate my feelings. it was unfair of me, and on top of that, i took it all back and lied to her.

of course i loved her. i just didn't know how to show it, or how to express it. my father loved me, and he hurt me.

but was that really the case? did he really love me? or was that just an excuse for him to inflict pain?

i knew i loved anna. it had spread through my body like wildfire, inhabiting every nook and cranny until i was scared to look at her, in fear that my gaze would burn right through her and have her running for the hills.

i would never dream of hurting the most valuable person in my life, but i have.

i listen to her voicemails, begging me to pick up the phone, and i refuse. i swore to myself i wouldn't go anywhere near her until i could guarantee i'd never be the one responsible for her tears ever again.

that night, i had walked out of her life, but i left my heart behind, with a promise to be back to retrieve hers.

"orion, we aren't being productive. class is over, i'll be back tomorrow." my tutor promises with a stern look on her overly botaxed face. she fixes her blonde bob and struts out of the kitchen with her designer purse in tow.

as the sound of her high heels against our wood flooring get more and more faint, i sigh in relief. that woman is worse than my mother.

i lean back in my seat. this was a routine now. sleep. tutor comes. tutor goes. sleep. there was no one constant in my life.

picking up my phone i take a deep breath. "d...dad," i say when my call goes to voicemail. "we need to talk."

"what's the meaning of the orin?" my father growls, raising an eyebrow at me threateningly.

"my name is orion." i deadpan, taking an extremely slow sip of water. "i'm leaving."

he snorts, shaking his head. "like hell. now tell me the real reason you called me here, i have important business to take care of."

the only reason he even flew out from france was because i threatened to leak footage of him and one of his mistresses, which would not be good for him with the media.

"business?" i ask harshly, clenching my fists under the table. "is that what you call fucking your prostitutes? it must be a burden to go out of your way to see your son, whom's name you don't even remember!"

he rolls his eyes. "always an exaggerator. i'm your father, of course i remember your name."

"if you were my father, your anger wouldn't be at my expense. i'm not your rag doll."

"where did you get that from? that hooker you were mingling with? what are you now, a pimp?"

his words sear into my brain as they come out of his mouth, and all i see is red. launching at him, i grin as i hear a satisfying crack when my fist connects to him face. i'm sinister. there is commotion everywhere now, for what seemed like a friendly lunch was now a full on brawl.

he heaves himself up off the ground, his beer belly bouncing as he tries to steady himself. "you fucking cunt." he breathes, his chest heaving up and down as he clutches his face.

"i'll be out by wednesday." i tell him. "goodbye father."


#79 in short story? you all make me cry.

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