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"That is an interesting tale

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"That is an interesting tale." Said Lanika as she pulled down the bed covers. "But do you not think it would have been wiser to kill the dragon?"

"No." Said Thranduil. "I do not because either way the baby would have still survived."

Nodding in understanding the queen ran a brush through her long silky hair till it shone like moonlight. For some time she gazed long into the mirror losing herself in thinking. Behind her came the king, who placed his hands gently upon her shoulders and laying a kiss on her head. He could feel worry and fear flood off her like a summer breeze. She suddenly gasped, straitening in his touch, he grasped her firmly, so she would not fall.

Their eyes met in the mirror, silver and pail brown, worry and love locked together with pain. Thranduil did not need to hear his wife's answer to know it. A dragon living as a pet in this palace among elves not to mention a soon to be born prince was a most dangerous thing. However, there would not be any need to stress at the moment since Thranduil, for the past week had already begun spending time with the dragon. He did this so no bad habits would not form.

"Tis nothing, Thranduil. I know you have already guessed what my mind was pondering."

"Mm...Indeed. Now-"

A yelp broke their conversation and both king and queen whipped around to see Sylvian chasing her tail. After several attempts, promoting growls and snapping, she gave up and sat down with a great yawn.

"Looks as if the little one is exhausted." Lanika laughed.

 It was true, for the past week Thranduil had spent hours of his time with the little dragon and found what a clever little creature it was, from playing hide and seek to following basic commands. Very similar to a dogs training but alas...that was the little knowledge Thranduil had in this regard.

" Yes, call her by name. Perhaps she shall listen."

"Sylvian." Lanika said, clearly and firmly. Sniffing around the bed the hatchling seemed not to have heard a word. Lanika spoke again, this time louder. Raising her small head, the dragon sniffed the air and bounded over to the queen, burring loudly like a kitten. Picking up the dragon, Thranduil praised her. Squirming in his grasp the dragon crawled up onto his shoulder and rested there, giving a nip to his ear. Lanika suddenly gasped and almost fell to the ground.

"Lanika!" Thranduil yelled as he caught her in his arms. "What is it?"

Her eyes fluttered faintly. " The baby...kicked me harshly."

" Then we must get you to bed." Thranduil instructed. Leading her to the bed he helped her in and pulled the covers up for her. Laying a kiss apon her brow he whispered of how much he loved her into her ear.

Crawling into bed next to her, Thranduil prayed to the Valar, protection for mother and child as he stroked Lanika's arm lovingly. Sylvian lept onto the bed and nosing her way over to the queen's side, under Thranduil's arm, she lay there, breathing softly, and harmlessly. She protected them throughout the night, arising at every noise, sound or light.

She would let no evil dwell in Mirkwood ever.

My apologies for this being so short, but sometimes it draws the reader in. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I will bring you more chapters soon!

I go to ride my Dragon as I search for Adventure!


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