Chapter 1 The Mysterious Man

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Today I finally get some time off from studying to take my sisters role as kahuna. I've been studying day in day out for the past two weeks before I can attend at the Pokemon school on melemele island.
My sister says that I have to attend the Pokemon school to learn the current ways of Pokemon training so I can become a better kahuna the her. But I can't be lacking in any enthusiasm any more then what I was. I just couldn't care for attending the school or studying due to having absolutely no friends.
People were always scared of me due to who my sister was so I always struggled making friends. But not having friends took a toll on me so I'm quite a lonely person that currently only finds joy in surfing. It clears my mind .

I ran down to the beach with my surfboard in toe above my head. I bolted into the water not caring about the temperature of the water. I paddled out and waited for some suitable waves. The tourists always seemed to enjoy seeing a local surf so I always enjoyed the crowds.

After about an hour of being out in the the the swell suddenly took a drastic turn. A large wave that I had decided to ride turned out to be bigger then I anticipated.
"This is not good " I thought to myself as I tried to outride the wave and keep my balance. The wave was to much and it quickly swept me off my board and pulled me under. My head was slammed into some rocks laying below the surface of the water. The collision knocked me out cold.

A man passing by saw what was going on quickly ran down the beach and dove into the water and swam out to me as my almost lifeless body floated in the water. The man held me with one arm and brought me back to shore. I was luckily breathing but completely out cold as he carried me onto the beach as the oozing cut in my head bled onto his white tank top. He gently lay me down on the sand and stood by me as I was slowly coming around.

As I slowly came to I found myself lead on the beach surrounded with a crowd of people and a man with white and black hair that was dripping wet.
"What happened? How'd I get here?" I questioned as I tried to sit up.
The man with the white and black hair lightly touched my shoulder " you need to take it easy, you've cut your head pretty badly on those rocks" he said as he tried to dab the blood from my head with his shirt.
"I'm fine " I insisted as I slowly and unsteady stood myself up. Upon standing my consciousness started to waver and I began to fall into the crowd as my sight started to haze.
" didn't I just say ya need to take it easy" the man said as he grabbed me to help hold me up.
I tried to shake off his grip. I was stubborn , I didn't want help from anyone. "I'm fine" I said in a huff.
"What's with you boss, ya acting weird"
"Why are you being nice to her?"
"Why'd you save some girl ya don't know?" a group of people started saying. They all had similar outfits to the man with white and black hair.
"Wait you saved me, why?" I began questioning as my voice softened.
"Yeah, I don't know what came over me. I was just walking by when I saw you get knocked off your board and I just immediately ran in to water to help you without even thinking" he said as he turned his head in embarrassment as he blushed lightly.
"Look I don't know who you are but thank you, if you didn't help me I guess I could have been a goner. I owe you one" I said as I placed my hand on his arm.
He blushed a little brighter in response to my words of gratitude.
He started to walk away " you don't need to thank me, just be more careful ".
He began walking towards the group that was with him and started leaving the beach as the crowd began to clear.
I left the beach following behind them for a little while.
"So boss why'd ya help her?" One of the group members asked him.
" I don't know there just something about her that drew me to her, I just couldn't help but try and save her" he replied in a rather confused manner.
" what's with you? Ya going soft" a pink and yellow haired girl said with quite a sassy tone.
He snapped back at her " I'm not going soft ya got that!" he yelled while he grit his teeth.

I kept my distance behind to not get noticed but just enough so I could just about still hear them. Before I knew it though they were out of hearing range and I couldn't keep up as I was still feeling faint from the accident. I decided to try and make my way back home while I still had strength.

I stumbled through the front door of my home accidentally banging the door against the wall. The loud bang of the door startled Olivia that was tinkering away at a new bracelet.
"What happened!" She exclaimed worriedly as she quickly got up from the table that she was working at.
" it was just a surfing accident, I'm fine. Some man helped me so I'm ok" I answered as I tried to make her not worry.
"An accident! Are you hurt? Who helped you? Do we know him?" She bombarded me with questions as she was very clearly worried.
" I'm fine, I just cut my head. Some really tall guy with white and black hair. no I don't know him, I didn't even get his name" I swiftly answered as I slumped into the sofa.
Olivias face turned pale. " you have to stay away from him, he's dangerous "she said quickly
"How is he dangerous if he saved my life?" I ask as I looked at her in confusion.
"Just trust me he's trouble, it best you keep your distance from him" she replied
I glared at her and quickly headed upstairs to my room.

"What does she know, he saved my life and he seemed nice to me" I angrily mumbled to myself as I led on my bed.
I quickly fell asleep even though it was only the mid afternoon as the accident drained me of my energy.
That night I dreamt of the tall man that saved me. I was fascinated with why he was so nice and caring towards me yet how Olivia tells me to stay away from him because he's dangerous.

Guzma X Reader (female OC) story.  The Criminal and The Future Kahuna.  Where stories live. Discover now