Chapter 3 Last day on Akala

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I woke to find the house empty and a note on the counter from Olivia saying " enjoy today because professor Kukui will be at the ferry terminal at 5pm to collect you. Remember to be nice to him and to the other student living with him. Try and get a part time job to help out, I'm sure he will appreciate it. Love Olivia"
I huffed in annoyance, I had completely forgot I had to leave today.
I ran back upstairs and packed my duffle bag with everything I'd need while living with professor Kukui.
"Ok now I'm ready" I said as I slung the large bag over my shoulder almost making me fall backwards.
I quickly ran down stairs and out the house locking the door behind me. I had to kick it up a gear to make it to the cafe in time. I just hate making people wait. With that I jogged through Diglett's tunnel and to the cafe to find that I had arrived first.
"At least I'm not late" I said as I set down my bag and stood waiting for Guzma to arrive.
Within just a few minutes he arrived.
"I've gotta leave at 5pm" i said sadly as I drooped my head.
"Well then we better make the most of the day, anyway it's not like your not going to see me again. I can visit ya easily." He said gently as he lifted my head and placed his gold sunglasses on my head.
I laughed but quickly stopped,something moving quickly towards us caught my attention. It was the pink and yellow haired girl I saw in his group the day we met. Why was she here?
She began running full pelt towards us with a look of pure anger and before we could react I was punched point blank in the head causing the sunglasses to shatter against my forehead cutting up my forehead , cheeks and nose. I was knocked off my feet and into Guzma. Lucky he caught me and helped keep me standing.
"Wwhat was that for?" I asked stunned and in shock.
"You stole him from me!" The girl screamed angrily.
"Plumeria she didn't steal me away from anyone!" Guzma angrily snapped at her while holding me close.
"You bloody well know she did. I told you how I felt and then you disappear for a few days only for me to be told by a grunt that they saw you yesterday kissing this girl on the beach! What the fuck is going on!" She screeched.
He glared fiercely at her " I told you that I don't love you, your just a friend to me, you like a sister and that's how it will stay. And now ya come running at us and punch my girlfriend in the face, what is your fucking problem Plum!" He growled.
" he hasn't done anything wrong" I said quietly as my face slowly started to drain of its colour upon seeing the blood dripping from my head onto my hands.
" butt out you little slut!" She hissed at me.
" You leave her alone or I'm going to make you fucking regret it. Now I made my choice on who I love now get over it and grow the fuck up." He snapped angrily.
"I'm sorry this is my fault" I said weakly as I began leaning on Guzma as I was starting to waver. I can't handle the sight of blood.
He quickly noticed I was growing weak due to me leaning on him.
"Hey are you ok?" He said calmly.
"Look at her , she can't even take a punch. How can you even love someone so weak" she laughed as she glared at me.
" there's things more important then that. She treats me with respect and like a human, unlike you." He growled.
" Guzma I just need to sit down for a ...." I blacked out upon trying to walk to a nearby bench.
Thankfully he caught me and picked me up in his arms carrying me like a bride.
"April! April wake up!" He said full of concern as he gently shook me.
He glared at plum full of anger. " leave now and you won't get hurt" he warned.
She gave him a look of pure disgust and walked away still rather full of herself.

Guzma quickly grabbed my bag and ran with me in his arms trying to find someone to help. I led motionless in his arms with the broken sunglasses still on my head. He ran into the Tide song hotel hoping that someone there could help.
As I slowly came to ,I found myself lead on a sofa in the reception area of the hotel. Guzma was sat by me with my head resting on his lap as a first aider was carefully picking out the last of the shards of glass .
"Thank you ." I said as I flinched as the first aider placed a dressing over the wound.
They smiled happily as they left to continue their job at the hotel.
I slowly sat myself up next to Guzma. "I'm sorry I fainted, I just can't handle the sight of blood" I said as I looked at him with eyes full of guilt.
"It's ok, I'm sorry that happened to you, plumiera doesn't take rejection well. I should've seen it coming, i should've protected you." He said as he pulled me towards him gently hugging me.
"My face is going to bruise isn't it?" I asked sadly.
" yeah...." he sighed as he looked as me with pure guilt in his eyes.
I hugged him tightly and began to cry. The shock of the hit and the whole event had hit me. " I'm so sorry, I caused all of this. It's my fault" I sobbed as I looked up at him with tears rolling down my face stinging the little cuts on my cheeks.
"It's not your fault ,It's mine. I didn't make it clear enough to her that I didn't feel the same way. Now because of me you got hurt" he said as he ran his fingers through my hair.
We sat together for a few minutes like this until I felt I had the strength to get up and start leaving the hotel reception with Guzma by my side. I struggled to keep up with his walking speed and reached out to his hand. As I grabbed his hand he blushed lightly and looked at me tenderly. "How the hell do I deserve someone like you" he began downing himself.
"Stop that, you need to stop beating yourself up" I said as I began hugging his muscular arm.

We wandered around the beach shoreline watching the ocean and enjoying each other's presents for most of the day. " I've gotta go soon" I said as I lowered my head.
"Hey don't worry, remember il come and visit you on the weekend. You just have to text me the address on Friday." Guzma placed my bag down and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close.  I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest as I breathed in his scent. I wanted to never forget his scent of cigarettes , whiskey and cheap cologne, there was just something intoxicating about it that made me want to never be apart from it.
He looked down and lightly lifted my head as he brought his face to mine. I placed my lips against his and he kissed me, slowly becoming more passionate as the kiss continued. When we stopped he just looked at me in the sweetest way as I grabbed my bag. " I see you soon" I said as I began to walk away. "April wait!" He called. He walked towards me and placed one of his bracelets on me. " now ya have a little part of me with ya" he smiled. I hugged him. " thank you Guzma" I said with a beaming smile.
"It's nothing" he blushed.
"I've really gotta go now" I said as I began to turn.
"There's one last thing" he said as he touched my shoulder.
"What's that?" I asked curiously.
"I love you" he said with a tender smile as he suddenly embraced me one last time. My heart just melted upon hearing that.
" I love you too" I replied as I lovingly gazed at him and I wrapped my arms around him. I wished that that moment wouldn't end, I wanted to stay in his embrace forever. He released me from his embrace and lovingly looked at me "I guess you better go" he said as he placed a tender kiss on my head.
I then slowly began walking away to the ferry terminal.
"Il see you soon" I called out as I walked.

I reached the ferry terminal to find Professor Kukui waiting on his boat. "Alola cousin!" Kukui called from his boat.
"Alola" I called back as I forced a smile and boarded the boat.
He walked towards me to great me only to freeze in his tracks and look at me worriedly.
"What happened April, was there an accident?" He asked.
"It's a long story Kukui" I sighed.
He noticed that I didn't want to talk about it so he went and started the boat making it leave the dock.
"We'll be at Melemele in no time" he shouted so I could hear him over the boats roaring engine and the ocean slashing against the boat.
I was on my way to Melemele to join the school and I had no idea what to expect.

Message from the author.
Hey everyone Toshiro here, I really hope you are all enjoying what has been written so far. I hope to have chapter 4 published in September.
If you have any ideas for the story please feel free to let me know.

Guzma X Reader (female OC) story.  The Criminal and The Future Kahuna.  Where stories live. Discover now