Chapter 2 An unlikely relationship

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Word count for this chapter 4829
Thank you all for reading. I hope it is ok, sorry if there are any mistakes.

A few days later after recovering abut from the accident I left the house early and wandered into the outskirts of town towards the volcano with my head down in thought and my hands in the pockets of my shorts. I wandered around for a few hours lost in the replaying thoughts of what Olivia warned me and how silly I thought she was being. As I walked with my head down I walk straight into someone's back. I looked up quickly to apologise only to find that it was the man from the other day.
" oh it's you" I exclaimed.
He turned his head to be greeted by a smiling burgundy haired girl.
"Why are you smiling at me?" He said in confusion.
"I'm just happy to see you, I never got your name a few days back " I said with a cheery smile.
"Why would you be happy to see me, all I did was help ya out. The names Guzma by the way" he replied.
" how could I not be happy you saved my life and I'm grateful. I owe you my life Guzma. I know how about I treat you to lunch as a thank you" I grinned.
He sighed " if people see you with me they'll start talking bad of you"
"I don't care what people think of me and people need to stop being so narrow minded about you" I answered with a cheerful chirp.
"Ok fine you win il go to lunch with you" he said with a light blush in his face with a slight grin.
My eyes lit up as a beaming smile broke out in my face.

I led him into town towards the local cafe. People that passed us whispered and looked at us in confusion.
"I said people would talk" he said quietly as he lent towards me.
" I don't care what people say about me" I said with a confident smile.
" I don't get how you can be happy around me, most people are terrified because I'm technically a criminal" he confessed in a confused tone.
"My sister Olivia kept saying how your dangerous but I don't care as you've been nice to me, I don't care what people say you are your nice to me so your a good guy in my books " I said grinning as I turned to look at him.
He gave me a awkward but happy smile .
"Your a strange one aren't you, but I like that" he said as he place his hand on my shoulder.

I led him into the cafe, as he followed behind me into the cafe people fell silent. He quickly put his hood up and lowered his head to try and hide a bit.
The waitress quickly came over to me and asked " is that man bothering you?"
"No he's not bothering me. could I have a table for two please" I answered
"Oh who are you with today?" The waitress asked.
I gestured towards Guzma. The waitress looked at me , shocked as I just stood smiling. She then quickly lead us to a vacant table in the corner away from most of the customers and left us with a menu.
"I'm sorry everyone is alienating you now" he said in a saddened tone as he glared at the staring customers.
"It's fine, people normally avoid me anyway so it doesn't bother what so ever" I replied happily.
"How can you be so upbeat towards me? Most people run the other way when they see me because I run Team Skull" he said confused.
"You helped me and I'm grateful, they should get to know you instead of running the other way. That way they can actually make an opinion of their own on you instead of going off what people spread around." I said still smiling away.
"Yeah I guess your right. Wait why do people avoid you? You seem like perfectly normal girl to me" he questioned
"It's because of who my sister is, she's this islands Kahuna Olivia" I answered with guilt in my eyes.
His eyes widened in disbelief.
"That might be why people are giving you such annoyed looks . The Kahunas sister talking to a criminal" he replied.
"It doesn't bother me, after all your the first person in quite a while that has been nice to me" I said as I looked at him with a gentle smile.
"To be honest it's the same for me, the people in the team just follow what I say and seem to fear me a bit, but you talk to me like I'm a normal person and it's really nice" he said with a happy smirk.
I smiled "we better order soon or they might kick us out" I quickly prompted him as I realised how long we had been talking.
We ordered our food quickly. Shorty after our food arrived.

Guzma X Reader (female OC) story.  The Criminal and The Future Kahuna.  Where stories live. Discover now