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N/A:So am I am new at this all and I really hope that you guys will enjoy. Please vote at the end of the chapter and you can leave as many comments as you want. Also this book contains mature content included profanities(curse words) and sexual activity so if you will be uncomfortable I will kindly ask you to leave immediately and nicely. Thank you~Keke🤘🏾

I am literally shitting myself as I walk up the stairs of this new place.

The building is so freaking big that I am sure that I will be lost. If I'm lucky I might make friends with a janitor or something.

I couldn't deny the fact that I was nervous as hell and to top it off I was late this morning. Like just great. Way to start your year at your new school Elizabeth.

As I opened the big mahogany double doors and walked into what seemed to be one of the main halls I wasn't in the least surprised that the halls were filled with many girls of all descriptions. But what surprised me is that most of them were naked. Some were ever making out like no one else was there but them.

I just stood there first in amazement,then in awe then finally in satisfaction. This finally felt like home. Like where I belonged.

As I was about to walk off someone bumped into me and I toppled forward and almost fell. As I turned to see who this son of a bitch was I was left speechless as I stared into the eyes of a beautiful goddess.

She had the most beautiful hair,auburn and just a bit pass her shoulders. I saw that she had the softest blue eyes I had ever seen and that she also had a few freckles splashes across her cherry cheeks.

"I...I'm....I'm so s-sorry," she said. She downed her head as though embarrassed. I then realised that her books had fallen in the process so I decided to bend down to pick them up for her.

She blushed a beautiful crimson as she collected them from my hands and stuttered a thank you.

I then muttered up enough courage to ask her where the office was situated. She smiled a dimpled smile at me and said with renowned courage,"I can take you there if you like!" "My name is Chloe,and yours?"

I told her that my name was Elizabeth and said sure I would love to have her guide me to the office.

We started off and on the way I just took in the many sights that this marvellous heaven-like place had to offer. On our way I came across a few classrooms,washrooms,what seemed like a cafeteria and ever a gym.

When we got to the office Chloe bade me goodbye and said she hoped that she would see me again soon.

After signing into the school system and getting a print out of my timetable,dorm key,and locker number I started on my way to my first class.

When I finally examined my timetable I couldn't help but giggle and slightly blush at my first period subject.

A/N:Hello!! Me again!! Soooo....what was it like?? OMG,I hope you guys liked it. I know,it's sort of shitty but I promise that it will get better in the chapters to come😈 Bye now.~Keke🤘🏾

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