Small Fire- coughs and sputters* John- The new guy is dying... Patty- He's probably just sick of all your shit John- Um, bitch he was born from a pile of forks in your room Small Fire- Vomits Briana's soul back into her body Small Fire- Ugh bitter bitch Patty- What the fuck John- You have a soul eating fork demon in your room now are you happy? Donny- He kinda looks like you too... Patty- What? Oh shit... Briana- Gets back up and looks around gasping* Donny- Patty masturbated on a pile of forks and now she has a baby to take care of Patty- I DONT MASTURBATE Kaniesha- There's a vibrator in the corner over there.... The fork corner John- Ugh sick horse Patty- My business is my business wtf Briana- Where is your fucking class Patty what the fuck Patty- IF I WANT TO BEAT MY PUSSY UP I CAN BEAT MY PUSSY UP Donny- That shit looks like a 12 inch... Do you mean beat up or cripple and paralyze? Debra-
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Patty- John you really gonna sit there and act like you don't beat off your shrimp to Kaniesha's pictures Kaniesha- He does wh- John- Alright but you beat off to Donny and Chelsea fanfic stories (which you can get exclusively if you ask the creator of this story) Patty- SHUT UP OH MY GOD Kaniesha- John you jerk off to my pictures Donny- You have fanfics of me and Chelsea? Chelsea- Ummm.... I'm not a fan of shrimp.... Donny- All yall girls talk about is shrimp shrimp shrimp shut up Chelsea- It's not my fault that your nickname is Minute Man. Donny- What does that have to do with shrimp? Chelsea- I just wanted to show that you had a small sensitive dick that makes its own tar tar sauce a bit too fast if you know what I'm saying Patty- But how did you know that Chelsea Chelsea- You're lucky I don't shove that computer up your loose ass pussy John- Patty with the vortex pussy Debra-
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Kaniesha- Yall need to work on self respect and respect for others Small Fire- Are y'all usually this aggressive? John- We just watched you pin down Briana and eat her soul a minute ago you're one to talk Small Fire- Damn you right Small Fire- leaves the room* Briana- Fucking skunt Voice from outside- NO DONT LEAVE Small Fire- What the hell? *Mysterious figure burst through Patty's window. The window completely repairs itself right after* MF- Don't... go Patty- So... my window. John- Obviously he fixed it on the way in Patty- SINCE WHEN DOES GLASS FIX ITSELF John- APPARENTLY NOW MF- Small Fire stay. MF- *panting* Small Fire- Who are you? MF- *Stands up* MF- I'm Tony Patty- Didn't the room already have enough gays Chelsea- AYEEEEE BITCHHHHHH Tony- BITTFTTTTCHHHHHHHHH