Chapter One

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Chapter 1

She didn't speak, which made me even more infuriatingly curious. It was driving me mad trying to figure her out.

I was sitting on floor with my back casually leaning on the back wall, a book open in my lap that I was hardly paying any mind to. I glanced up to look at her every once in awhile.
She sat with her back to me, never moving from that spot on the floor.
She looked as though she might be meditating or maybe she had fallen asleep.

It had been only a few hours since she had arrived, and already she was in my every thought.

The other prisoners' disgusting behavior toward the woman had ceased as they grew bored from her lack of reaction.

I tossed my book aside finding it growing more and more useless to try concentrating on anything else, but the mystery that is this woman.

I wondered if she knew I was watching her, maybe she was making me act foolish like this on purpose. I narrowed my eyes at her back starting to hate her for making my mind boggle over her.

"Trying to burn holes in my back isn't going to work I'm afraid." Her voice that seemed smoother then finest of silks, startled me making me jump slightly.

So she did know I was watching, I smirked at the thought. Tricky girl.

"I apologize." I watched her hoping she'd continue the conversation, but to my dismay, she fell silent once again.

I stood up and paced around my cell contiplating whether I should say anything more to the woman or not. Was it even worth my time to mess with someone so obviously beneath me?

I signed realizing I had no choice, my curiosity was driving me mad. I turned to the woman approaching my cell's barrier.

"Tell me who you are" I demanded keeping a stern gaze on her.

She didn't move or turn around. She stayed silent, which made me angry. How dare she refuse me answers.

"Did you not here me woman?" I took a step closer to the barrier watching her for any sign that she had heard me, but of course she said and did nothing.

I was now leaning with arm on the barrier my gaze intensifying as I glared at her.

"I demand you answer me or I-"
I was cut off by her soft voice, "or what? You have no more freedom then any of us." She let out a soft sigh as she glanced back at me with a dull gaze, void of any emotion, "there is nothing you can do while these barriers hold us in separate cells."

There were a few snickers of amusement from the other prisoners at my apparent failure.

I was a bit surprised no one had ever really spoke to me with such indifference, and with out even a twinge of fear.

This woman was truly baffling.


I had found out from passing whispers that the woman was a traitor of some sort. She was a great deceiver much like myself.

Of course these were merely whispers, so I didn't regard them as fact, not yet. She seldom moved and never spoke more then a few words. I nearly felt bad for my earlier behavior.

I glanced up from my book for maybe the millionth time that day to watch her. Today she was in the left hand corner curled up against the wall, her back to me as always. I frowned softly and closed my book.

I was given more then the other prisoners because of Frigga, bless her, but I had never felt bad about it until I begun watching her.

I stood from my spot on the ground and went to my small pile of books glancing through them before picking one up.

I turned it over in my hands. It was a book of old asgardian tales that mothers told their children at night. I had read it many times.

I looked back to the woman, and I wondered if she enjoyed reading like I did.

I thought about what I was about to attempt for a moment before catching sight of a guard. I hurried to the barrier before he passed by, calling out for him, "You there, guard. May I have a word?"

The guard reluctantly approached me, "I won't fall for any of your tricks Loki." He gave me a stern, no nonsense look that made me roll my eyes.

"I merely want you to give this book to that prisoner." I gave quick nod toward the woman.

The guard let out a booming laugh, "what sort of trickery are you planning?"

The woman must of heard the conversation because she was watching the two of us now.

"I plan not. I only wish to share what I have been given."

I was actually being sincere, but of course the guard didn't believe a word of it as he shook his head, "I am not a fool and will not fall prey to your tricks." With that the guard continued on his way. I glared at him furiously until he was out of sight.

"You didn't have to do that." Her voice came to my ears like honey on an aching throat.

I looked back to her she was now standing at her barrier watching him her icy blue hues void of emotion as always.

I nearly forgot to speak back I was so enthralled by her voice. "You seemed like you could use a good read. I'm sorry I couldn't make it happen."

I spat out the words a bit quickly making them seem a bit pushed together. I wanted to hit myself repeatedly for acting such a fool.

"It's the thought that counts. Thank you." Then she did something I thought I'd never see and I might have missed it if hadn't been watching her lips every movement, she smiled. It was small and very quick, but it was there and I had to see it again.

"I could read out load if you like," I watched her not giving her any hint that I saw her smile then quickly with a casual shrug added, "You know anything to pass the time really."

She turned her back to me once again and I thought our little chat had come to an end, but then as I was turning away I heard her sweet voice once more, "I'd like that."

My back now to her I smirked softly, and opened the book in my hands.

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