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----Reana POV----
Every one made a place for them to fight I could feel that this was bad then stood across from each other Destroyer charged at Aiden he stepped to the left so Destroyer missed Aiden look down while smiling and laughed
"Aww poor poor Mr.D only if you know what you got yourself into but you could back out"
"HA back out with you hell no" Widens face changed
"Now now be careful what you say" Destroyer was gonna hit him from the back I gasped tears coming into my eyes when Destroyer put up his claw to scratch Aidens back and make him lose but Aiden turned around and grabbed his arm and put him in a place were he could break Destroyer's arm and said
"You can back down now or I could break you arm right here and right now" 
"IF YOU CAN BREAK MY ARM THEN BREAK MY ARM" Aiden just pushed his arm a little and there was a loud SNAP then and loud scream Aiden said
"You were asking for it" and got up to where are DJ Neka was and yelled
"ANYONE WHO TELLS ABOUT THIS IS NEXT" then he went into the house I yelled as loud as I could
"We are sorry but the party has to be over" every one left it was pretty clean so I could pick the stuff later I paid the DJ and ran over to Aiden but he was his room and last time I went into he didn't let me have shush for a month I knocked on his door
"Reana please just let me be"
"No I'm coming in" I said as if he couldn't stop me I opened the door his room was red and blue with pictures of me and him together on them he looked at me he had a straight face his green eyes were kinda red and something in his hand I looked closer it was a knife with blood on it I looked over his body when I came to his arm I saw deep cuts blood dripping from them showing that they were fresh I hugged him and asked
"On my gosh are you ok" he didn't say anything no yelling for touching him he just looked at me with a straight face
----10 days later and Aiden POV----
I look at a picture of Destroyer on my bed room wall I
"Heh heh he ahahha only if you know what you have done" I went to my jacket and grabbed my small knife but sharp I smiled and went over to the picture and said
"You will pay" and I cut of the body in the picture

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