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She never wanted to feel sad, But she was.

She felt alone. Maybe she was alone.

Maybe no one really cared for her. She could die and have only her family at her funeral.

She truly was alone.

Her sadness grew deeper. Her depression got worse.

She thought to her self about terrible things, mainly suicide.

Although on the outside she was just a quite normal girl she was dying inside.

Three years pass since the depression started, she never thought she would actually kill herself.

On the third year she felt it was time.

"After school" she said to herself. "I'll figure out what to do."

She went to her crappy high school where no one was nice or friendly unless you were pretty or you knew everybody.

She waited in each class until the bell rang.

In each class the bell would ring and the girl would get sick to her stomach.

Counting down the classes left until she would take her own life away.

As the last bell rang a tear rolled down her pale cheek.

Her eyes burned as she picked up her stuff and shoved them into her black leather bag.

People started to crowd the door anxious to leave this hell hole, until the next day.

She mindlessly walked out the door while tears streamed down her face.

In the halls her eyes were red now puffy with tears and make up.

Her sight was blurry to the point of no return she couldn't see much just shapes.

She could hear people talking when suddenly she bumped into some one.

Quickly she brushed her arm up to her face to wipe her eyes. her vision was normal again.

She could she that she did bump into a person she bumped into a guy who looked so heavenly he must have been an angel.

"Sorry" was all she could manage.

"It's alright." he smiled at her.

His smile was different than any other smile she had seen.

His smile burned so bright, for a split second it warned her heart.

She smiled back at him before he could leave from her sight.

The best part of this smile was that it was a real smile. something she hadn't done in a while.

She walked home with a weird feeling inside her stomach, butterflies?

She thought you only got those when you were a kid.

When she got home she lay on her bed and pictured his smile. Her heart grew warm again.

She decided she wouldn't end her life today because she wanted to see him smile again.

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