Chapter Three: Professor H.E.F. Slughorn

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        I felt my body sway as the train lurched forward and away from King's Cross Station. It gathered speed as I made my way down the narrow corridor, peering into windows in search of an open compartment. In one of the cabins, I recognized Harry Potter, curiously without his two best friends. Sitting with him were a pudgy, bashful looking boy and a girl with long blonde hair and wide eyes framed by sparkly orchid-colored glasses. Wondering dimly why his usual companions weren't with him, I continued on, finally spotting a compartment occupied by a lone thin girl with chocolate-brown hair arranged into a neat braid. She looked to be about my age and was staring out the window fixedly.

I tapped on the glass, breaking her concentration from the passing foliage. She grinned and waved at me as I parted the compartment doors slightly.

"Hello," I smiled at her cheerfully. "Would you mind if I joined you? I can't seem to find any empty compartments."

"Absolutely, come on in! I don't think I've seen you around Hogwarts before...I'm Susan." She said pleasantly, looking delighted.

I slid the door closed gently and sat down across from her, appreciative that she was being so friendly. "I'm Rowan. And this will be my first year at Hogwarts." Her thick eyebrows wrinkled in confusion, so I gave her a short rundown of my family situation and transfer status. Apparently they didn't get too many transfers at Hogwarts.

She nodded, her expression changing to one of understanding. "That explains the accent. Guess that's why I didn't recognize you. Well, welcome! I don't know much about Ilvermorny, but Hogwarts is amazing! I felt right at home the moment I saw my house common room for the first time. I'm in Hufflepuff by the way, and also in my sixth year. I suppose you'll be sorted with the first years?"

"That's what the letter says. I was in Thunderbird at Ilvermorny..." my thoughts trailed off, interrupted by the compartment door sliding open as two boys stepped in. Susan jumped up, ambushing each of the boys in turn with a quick hug.

"Ernie! Justin! I've missed you both so much!" She took a half-step back, gesturing to me. "This is my new friend Rowan. She's a sixth year, transferred from Ilvermorny."

The boys gasped in unison, looking delighted. "Brilliant! We've never had a transfer student before. I'd love to hear all about Ilvermorny. I'm Ernie by the way," said the brawny boy with dirty-blonde hair, sitting down next to me, "and this is Justin." He nodded towards his friend, a boy with a long face and thick blonde hair that was rolled into tight cottony curls, who took the seat next to Susan. I greeted them enthusiastically, feeling relief at having found possible friends so easily.

The group caught up on the excitement from their summer breaks and we made small talk for a long while. I learned that they are all sixth year Hufflepuffs, and a pang of hope welled in my chest as I speculated being placed into Hufflepuff. They were interested in hearing about Ilvermorny; almost as much as I was eager to hear more about Hogwarts from current students rather than only relying on mom's dated advice. They told me about the classes, which sounded largely similar to my courses at Ilvermorny, and what some of my new professors would be like. Ernie boasted that he was top of the class in Potions, and was impressed that I achieved scores proficient enough to be taking the subject at N.E.W.T.-level with him this year. Justin, who was quite bright and outgoing, jeered at his friend.

"You'll have to excuse Ernest. Sometimes he gets a little top-heavy with that big head of his," Justin said sniggering.

"I see nothing wrong with being proud of one's accomplishments," Ernie responded sheepishly, a twinge of peach appearing just above the charming permanent dimples on his cheeks.

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