Shark fright!

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Just me and Jason left. Stranded on the boat. Yes we where sad about all the others. But Me Jade wells and jason just sat on the boat kissing. Okay,okay i should start from the beging, it all happend one buauitful day in California


jack ( the out going one )

jessica ( the bossy one who goes out with jack )

Jason ( The sencible one )

Juliet ( The pretty one ) 

James ( The cheeky one )

Jociee ( The annoying one ) 

Tom ( the bad guy )

John ( the other bad guy ) 

Jason POV. 

" Come on Jason play spin the bottle with us " Yelled my friend Jack.

" No i have to study " i answerd firmly,

" Err come on collage has finnished have some fun" Answerd juliet

" Err fine just one game though " i said making sure they wernt going to make me play another 5 games!

As we started to play ( well we acually had about 5 what seemed like 100! ) Yes they presherd me into playing another game, but they done that every time. But suddenly Jessica said

" As collage is now finniished, why dont we go to an island. And Juliet can drive us there on her boat "

" No No No and NO " i said

" Why not, are you scared "  asked jessica

" No " 

" Then go " 

" fine " i said just to impress Juliet

" Good then we will go tomorrow be ready and plus Juliet you have to be ready first just to get the boat sorted and that! Ok eveything clear? " Jessica said in a bossy voice! Yes Jessica was bossy but i couldent say anything to her because Jack was her boyfriend, But jack was planning to propose to her joring the trip. 

                                                   CHAPTER 2 ( the trip )

                                                     Jessica POV

I was so exited for the trip! Suddenly i heard the door knock, it was Juliet.

" Hey " I said pulling her into my house 

" So you ready " She asked

" yes i am i got everything: Sun glasses, sun cream, Sun hat, cute thongs, loads of bras, 3 bicki's and some short tops and shorts. Oh and make up perfume hair brush tooth brush." Blabbed Jessica.

" Cool i brought the same things" 

" Cool, lets go get the others."

" Ok "

So we did. As we where walking up the path way to get the others from Jasons we saw to men. They didnt speak, they didnt move,Just stared. Yeah we thought it was weard but we just ignored them. We knocked.

" Hey honey " Jack said to me ( hes my boyfriend )

" Hey babe " i said

 " Were all paked and ready to go"

" Yay lets go and Jason why ar you taking a first aid kit none of us are gonna get hurt silly put it back"

 " but u never know!" 

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