Coming to Terms

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Yang sat down with a sigh. "I love dresses, but being in them for so long is sooo annoying!" She exclaimed. "Try to keep it down a little, you might disturb the other guests," a familiar voice chuckled. Blake sat down in the chair next to her and fixed her bow. She wore a strapless dark purple dress that reached her mid-thigh, ending in black lace. "Hey, you're looking nice! So glad you could make it!" Yang said, giving Blake a hug. "Yeah well, I almost didn't come. Schnees don't like faunus very much. But...Weiss did invite me, so I came," Blake explained. "Well, I'm glad you did!" Yang responded.

"Weiss was supposed to sing right? Did I miss it?" Blake asked. "Yeah, you did. I bet Weiss won't mind too much," Yang told her, and Blake hummed in disappointment.

"It was really good. She has a beautiful voice," Yang further explained and Blake giggled. Yang looked at her suspiciously. "What?" Yang asked. Blake waved her off. "No, tell me. Come on! I'm your best friend," Yang begged. "Well, I suspected you would think it was beautiful," Blake said. "Why?" Yang asked. "Because you obviously like Weiss."

Yang bit her lip. "She is my teammate. Of course I like her, she's my friend!" She said with a nervous laugh. Blake meant platonically, right? "No, not like that. I mean romantically. You have a crush on Weiss, don't you?" Blake asked. Yang's heart skipped a beat. "Uhh...Why would you say that?" she asked. The cat-girl shrugged and looked off into the crowd. "The way you are when you talk to her. You're suddenly more happy, you crack more jokes. You worry about her more than about me and Ruby when on missions. Then...the way you look at her. You look at we as if sudden the whole world makes sense. Like Weiss is the answer to being happy."

Yang blinked and looked into the crowd, her stomach beginning to hurt. Do I actually do that? No, it's not possible. Blake must be imagining things. But...I do think she looks pretty. And in her dress she's beautiful. I do feel warm around her, like she's the answer to being--Oh, god! I like Weiss!

Yang stood up and looked at Blake with wide eyes. "Blake, you're right! I do! I Weiss," she whispered the last part so no one else would hear. Blake smiled. "I thought so," she responded. "Does this mean I'm a lesbian? I don't wanna be a lesbian though!" Yang grabbed her hair and tried to calm down. "Yang, stop freaking out! It's fine to like girls! There's nothing wrong with it," Blake tried to calm her down.

Yang took a few deep breaths and calmed down. Okay, so I like girls. But I think I still like guys too? What does that--Oh, wait, that means I'm bisexual. Bisexual. Hi, I'm Yang. Yes, I am bisexual. Hm, I think I like that. It sounds nice.

"Yang? You're being really quiet for once," Blake said worriedly. Yang chuckled. "Yeah. I'm fine, just...coming to terms with myself. In fact... I think I'm going to tell her," Yang said with a grin. "Tell who?" Blake asked. "Tell Weiss that I like. Now or Never, am I right?" Yang laughed and started her way towards where Weiss was standing, talking to her younger brother Whitley.

I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna tell Weiss that I like her.

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