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"Michael?" I coo, as i jingle the keys to the front door in my hands, managing to balance the 2 bags of groceries in my hand at the same time. I kick the door closed with the heel of my foot, and i wander further inside the house down the carpet hallway, peeing into the kitchen to see it empty. I quickly plop my grocery bags on the kitchen counter, as i swipe my currently Jherri curled hair, full of product and heavily smelling of coconut. I kick my flat shoes off my feet, leaning against the wall with one hand.

"Michael honey?!" I holler again. Nothing. I swing my body around the corner from the kitchen, walking towards our room towards the end of the hallway. My feet thump against the carpet, as i push open our bedroom door with a grunt of exhaustion.

My eyes are blessed, to see Michael in his daggy cotton pyjama pants, and his body flopped onto the bed atop the duvet. Audrey lays beside him, sound asleep, her small body curled into a ball as she's wrapped in a small blanket, next to her daddy.

I smile softly, and i walk over to them both, two peas in a pod. I lean over to Michael, swiping his small developing curls over his forehead, and planting a warm kiss on his skin. I then lean over to Audrey, our beautiful daughter, and i give her the most delicate kiss on her sensitive yet rich chocolate skin, her cheeks soft and chubby.

"Night you two" I whisper, trying to obtain the smile painted onto my lips. I slowly creep out of the room, softly clicking the door closed behind me. I wander back over through the hallway, and i glance to my left, seeing the photo of Audrey when she was just born, a tiny and fragile little bean, as we would call her, with her date of birth written below. '9th of July 1981' only turning 3 months old just recently. Beside it, is a photo of flowers...white Lily's...in honour of our miscarried daughter, 'lost but never forgotten' printed below the photo.

"Your photo is next little one" I speak, as I rub my stomach, our barely month old baby developing inside me, and hopefully another baby girl to Michaels joy. I can already tell Audrey is a daddies girl by the way she's so calm when she's held by him, and the way her eyes follow his every movement.

I start rummaging through the grocery bags taking out the egg carton and placing it onto the kitchen counter, when I feel strong warm arms wrap around my waist. Michael nestles his head on my shoulder, and nuzzles his nose into my sweater.

"Sorry honey i just got so tired" He muffles into my skin, as he plants gentle wet kisses from the crook of my neck trailing to my jaw. I smile softly, and i wiggle my butt slightly so it fits in his crotch area.

"Its okay" I smile, spinning myself around, and I glance into his tired and droopy eyes, with heavy bags beneath them. My poor baby has been to work all week. I lean up on my toes to latch my lips to his, curling my hands around his neck, as he passionately kisses back. His hands feel to my behind, squeezing it firmly, and slowly hoisting my legs up onto the counter, small giggles exchanged between us both.

Suddenly, our tender kiss is broken by Audrey's cries heard from our room. Michael is quick to break away, and stressfully waves his hands around, his eyes wide. I then feel my breasts start to leak, soaking through my t-shirt, and i groan, throwing my head back, wiping my hands down my face.

"Time to feed" Michael smiles with a shrug, and i nod slowly, scrunching up my face, and pinching his cheeks, and giving him one last peck.

"Later, i promise" I wink, before quickly rushing to Audrey's aid.


"She's such a daddies girl, she honestly falls asleep everytime she's with you" I say in amazement, as i let Audrey's small mouth suckle on my breast, slowly rocking her in my arms, her large doh eyes closed and her long eyelashes fluttering. Michael sits beside me on the ledge of our bed, watching in fascination.

"I hope all out kids are like that" he smiles, gesturing towards my stomach, referring to our coming child. I give him a small scoff, yet continuing to rock Audrey in my arms.

"What should we name it...say its a boy" Michael asks, and i shrug, biting down on my lip, and tucking a stray frizz of hair behind my ear.

"You can choose, since i chose Audrey's" he smiles cheekily, proud of his work on name picking. Suddenly, Audrey's stops feeding, and her large eyes -that of her fathers- look up at me. She gives a small smile, and i gasp, quickly nudging Michael.

"Look look she's smiling at me!" I squeak, and he gasps too, squeezing my arm tightly in excitement. Michael tickles his finger on her bare chocolate chest, and her little face lights up, cracking a small smile, tiny dimples diving into her chubby cheeks, and me and Michael both look at each other ecstatically. I really do adore her little personality.

"Look she has dimples too!" Michael points out, shaking my arm, trying to contain his excitement, as I do the same. Audrey starts wriggling around in my grip, and I quickly cover up my breast, and hand her over to Michael.

I watch him carefully with her, so precious, such a pure fragile heart he has. She's already melts her heart, so just imagine as when gets older. I worry for the day she comes home crying over some boy, and Michael has to be there to wipe the tears away from her cheeks. Oh god i don't ever want that day to come, it will break him.

"She's just so perfect and little, if only she had a big brother to look after her." Michael sighs, and i nod, pursing my lips. The smile then returns to his lips, as he gently rocks her in his strong arms, and puts his curled finger to her mouth, which she softly nibbles on, and he giggles the most purest laugh, a whole hearted one.

"I love our little family" I sigh, rubbing my stomach, and watching the two of them, and he smiles and nods.

"Not going to be little for long" He teases with a smirk.

No, not long at all...


I know its short, but you where all so lovely and sweet in your feedback on this book, thought you deserve a little epilogue to know where they're story ends.

Thank you all,

-Ari x

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