Tease| Jeonghan

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"Alright, I'm done with your makeup Channie. Tell the next person to come quick kay" you tell Chan
"Ne Noona" he nods his head and runs to his members.
You turn around and put all the makeup brushes back and fix all your equipment.

Two arms snake around your waist. You immediately knew who it was. You felt his hot breath on your neck.
"Ya Jeonghan hajima" you push him away lightly.

Jeonghan has always been a tease to you. He would act like your boyfriend but never kisses you on the lips which you are half relieved and half disappointed.

"Take a seat" you command
He does as he was told and you start applying his make up. They were about to go on stage for a performance. You pick up the chapstick and grab a small brush. You bend down a little so that you were closer to his lips but not too close.

You brush the chapstick on his lips, making them turn into a kiss able pink color. You own lips shiver, trying to hold back the temptation to kiss him. You can see Jeonghan moving kind of closer so you immediately stand up, move away and clear your throat. "You're done. Next person please" you say, turning away.

Minghao walks in and greets you happily. He takes a seat and smiles at you while you were busy picking out somethings.
"Noona?" He asks
"Yeah" you say as you turn to him and start doing his makeup
"Do you like Jeonghan hyung?" He ask
You chock on the air and and take a sip of the water bottle that Minghao gave you in panic.

"Why do you ask that?" You queen after you turn back to your normal self
"Well..I'm not supposed to say this but..he likes you. He may seem like he's just teasing you and does couple stuff but he's serious about you" he explains
"U-uhh umm aren't you too young to know these things?"

•After you finished everyone's makeup•

You start to pack your stuff, ready to leave. You hear the door opening and then close, you thought it was your friend , Scarlett.
"Hey Scar" you greet her
"Look, I might of had long hair but I cut it" says a familiar voice
You turn around almost immediately.

"A-aren't you meant to be getting ready to go on stage?" You ask Jeonghan
"Yeah but, Minghao told me what he told you" he confessed
"Hehe, he's got a big imagination" you chuckle
"He told you the truth"
"He what now" you say, dumbfound

He walks closer towards you.
"I actually really really really like you Y/N" he confesses as he plays with your fingers gently. "And I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough even though I was acting like a boyfriend" he chuckles the last part
"Jeonghan..." you whisper
"What I'm trying to say is, I like you Y/N, will you like to be my girlfriend"
"I-I um I–" you stutter
"Look, I'll give you time. I need to go on stage now. Bye beautiful" he kisses your cheek and then exits

You touch your cheek and smile. Scarlett walks in and squeals.
"Not gonna lie, I heard it all"
"Haha I thought you would" you chuckle
"Soooo...when are you going to say yes?" She ask
"I'm still not sure of my answer. Come on, let's go home" you say and grab your bag
"Oh no you don't" she says as she grabs you and pushes you to where the stage was.

The other staff members ignore us seeing how busy they were with the lights and stuff. You both stand backstage and watch the 13 boys singing and dancing. Scarlett points at Jeonghan.
"You see him? He's most definitely one of the most handsome men in Korea probably even in the world. Look at his great dancing."

Jeonghan starts to sing his part.
"He's a great singer."
Jeonghan ruffles Dino's hair
"He's kind and funny. He's got mom skills as well which means he's great with kids. There are so many more things about him which makes him the perfect guy. Would you really want to miss this opportunity?" She explains

•After the concert•

Scarlett kept on naming things that are great about Jeonghan. Every now and then, he would look at you and smile or wink or lip bites. You're heart would pick up it's pace.

He walks over to you after he waves goodbye to the fans.
"So, how was I on stage?" He asks as he wipes his sweat
"You were amazing" you smile
"Amazing enough for you to say yes to being my girlfriend?" He asks
You peck his cheeks.
"Most definitely" you smile as he wraps his arms around you waist, picking you up and placing a kiss on your lips. Moving your head, deepening the kiss.

"Eww, get a room" says Seungcheol, making you both part away
"You're just jealous that Jeonghan hyung doesn't love you back" laughs Vernon
Seuncheol walks away silently. You giggle and get down.
"You're mine now. That means you don't look at any other guy got it?" Whispers Jeonghan in your ear.
"I wouldn't have it any other way" you smile at him

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