Dance| Hoshi ft Yugyeom (Got7)

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•Hoshi P.O.V•

Yugyeom has been rambling about this hard core dance which he needs to learn before Wednesday after school from his dance club that he goes to. I agreed to come to his house on Sunday to help him learn the dance. I ended the call after that and went to my bed.

My phone then dings signaling that I have a message. I open my phone and read the text.



Yugyeom: Hyung my dance partner is going to be there with us if that's alright with you

Me: Sure

Yugyeom: Thanks hyung



Me and Yugyeom were at the dance room in his house. He tries the choreography again but he seems fine with the dance. I don't understand what he mean by 'struggling on the dance'. He did the dance perfectly.
"Yugyeom you did great. I don't understand how you say you're struggling" i tell him

Just before he could answer, the door bell rings. He tells me to wait a second and he runs to answer the door. Minutes later, he walks in with a girl right behind him. The girl was very pretty and had a great body. She was wear some black booty shorts and a crop red sweater that was kind of ripped at the top. It was meant to be there, she didn't cut it.

"Oh, Yugyeom you didn't tell me you were have a friend over" she says when she sees me
"Oh um yeah uh– sorry" he apologizes
"It's alright Yugyeomie" she chuckles "annyeong Kim Y/N iminda" she introduced herself, bowing
"Annyeong Kwon Sooyoung iminda but you can call me Hoshi" i bow

"What does Hoshi mean?" She asks
"It means star in Japanese. I really like it so its now my nickname" i smile
"Woah, that's cool" she smiles back
I look into her eyes and see how shiny they are. She seems so innocent and I just want to hold her. My heart beat picks up.
A fake cough broke the moment and our head turn to Yugyeom.
"Um can we start the dance?" He asks Y/N
"Oh yeah sure" she smiles

During the dance, Yugyeom kept on tripping on his feet. He was fine a minute ago, what happened now? Is it because of Y/N? Does he like her? Is that why he's falling, because he's nervous?

"Yugyeom do you want to take a break and relax?" She asks
He nods his head and see his cheeks change to a slight shade of red. She picks up his water bottle and towel and gives it to him. He sits down on the floor, near the mirror and chugs down his water.

I stand up and walk to Y/N.
"Can you teach me the dance?" I ask Y/N
"Sure. Did you pick up any moves while watching us?" She asks

She teaches me the choreography and with no shock, she was a great teacher. I managed to learn all the choreography in just 10 minutes.

I look at Yugyeom who was just watching us with burning eyes. A light tap was placed on my right shoulder.
"One more time?" Asks Y/N

We ace the steps and we end with me holding Y/N by her waist as her back pressed on my chest.

Since that day, I would go to Yugyeom's house to help him with the choreography. Okay.. a small lie: I wanted to see Y/N again. On Monday, Yugyeom told me his feelings for
Y/N and I felt my heart break. I don't know why though. I think I may like Y/N.

Today is Tuesday. One day until Y/N and Yugyeom's performance. They finish practice and Y/N grabs her things and we both head out. Oh, did I mention that I walk her home everyday and we would usually go in and watch a movie or play something or even dance.

Her arm gently brushes against mine as we walk down the pavement.
"I think I like you" she confesses
"What?" I ask dumbfound
"I like you" she confesses again
"Y-Y/N you do know that Yugyeom have feelings for you and I can't take my best friends girl" I explain
"I'm not his girl" she says as she holds her backpack straps and stops in front of me "If I was his girl then I wouldn't be doing this" she take my face and places her lips on mine.

My eyes widen at the sudden skin ship. I kiss her back after and we both pull away for air. "So, what's your answer?" She asked
"Do you like me back? Do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked
"I-I but– Yugyeom" I stutter
"I'll give you time. You can just stop me of here, I'll walk the rest alone. Thanks for everything" she kisses my cheek and walks away

•Hoshi's place•



Me: Um Yug you there?

Yugyeom: Yeah. Why?

Me: You like Y/N right?

Yugyeom: Yeah
Yugyeom: I told you that yesterday
Yugyeom: why?

Me: promise you won't kill me or her first

Yugyeom: Why?

Me: Yugyeom...just promise

Yugyeom: okay fine I promise
Yugyeom: I promise that I won't get angry and kill you all

Me: she confessed to me today
Me: And she asked to be her boyfriend
Me: and she kissed me
Me: Yug don't ignore me
Me: ugh fine
Me: I'm sorry bro



Y/N invited me to see her and Yeom's performance. At first I didn't want to go but I need to talk to Yugyeom. Sadly, I was running kind of late.

As soon as I enter, I see people clapping and Y/N and Yugyeom bowing. I missed it! I run to Yugyeom and he just looks at me with a smile. I'm so confused right now.
"Yug look I'm sorry about yesterday and—" i start to apologize
"It's okay dude. You won. I'm sorry for ignoring you yesterday. Now go get her before she's gone because of me" he pushes ms lightly
"Wait so you want me to go out with her?" I ask, confused
"Yep. Now go before i have her"

I run to Y/N who was packing up her stuff to go home. I wrap my arms around her waist, back hugging her. She pulls in her stomach a bit as she takes in a deep breath.
"Its just me" I whisper in her ear
She turns around and looks at me with a relieved look.

She wraps her arms around my neck.
"You made it" she coos
"Well...not really" I confess
"I know. I saw. But I'm still happy that you tried" she smiles
I lean in and peck her lips. She looks at me with a shocked look.
"I'm happy that you're happy...jagi"
She smiles and pulls me back in for another hug.
"Best. Day. Ever." She whispers

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