The Journey to Lhell Part 3

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"How did you become guardian of the forest? Have you been here long? Do you get paid for doing this?" Garen asked excitedly. Colessa realized Garen was doing his speed talking again and hoped the minotaur wouldn't get as annoyed as she always did. Instead of getting annoyed or angry, the minotaur seemed to get very depressed.

"Paid? No. Cursed? Yes, one could say I am paying the ultimate price..." The minotaur trailed off. Colessa gasped as the minotaur's eyes turned silver for a brief moment, then they became pure red again.

"What in the?" Colessa whispered to herself as she squinted her hazel eyes. She looked at the rest of her family but they didn't seem to have noticed. The minotaur's eyes had seemed very human for a moment. What did that mean?

"What do you mean? You mean you were cursed to be a minotaur?" Garen crossed his arms and looked confused.

"No, I was born as a minotaur. Though I guess that could be considered a curse as well. I mean... I can't leave this place."

The minotaur was about to say something else, but a harsh wind interuppted him. He let out a loud roar and shielded his face. Colessa and her family were all blown a few feet back and they began to scream. Leaves, rocks and grass were mixed in with the wind and they began to cut and tear at everyone like small needles. 

"Uaahhh!! What's happening?" Garen yelled while shielding himself the best he could. However, he was barely audible over the howling wind.

"I shouldn't have spoken to any of you! You stayed it too long, I should have scared you away like everyone else! I never would really hurt anyone. I had to protect them from it!!" The minotaur bellowed.

"Oh, so now I am an IT? How RUDE!!" A sultry, elegant female voice said. Everyone heard the voice very clear. The voice seemed to speak directly into their minds. The winds began to slowly dimish before finally ceasing. Everyone uncovered their eyes and faces and saw a beautiful woman standing in front of them. She had dark green hair with brown streaks and blazing yellow eyes. The woman had a long green gown that twisted and curved like a living plant.  There was a strange green aura around her that seemed to pulsate with energy. The minotaur gasped and backed away as if he was very afraid. The Colwell family knew if the minotaur was afraid, this couldn't be a normal human or being.

"I didn't mean to talk to them!! It was one mistake! I have always done everything you asked!!" The minotaur shouted desperately.

"Silence!!" The woman yelled and raised her left hand. The minotaur's eyes bulged out and he roared in pain before falling to his knees. The ground shook from the minotaur's weight. Colessa and the rest of the Colwell family were in complete shock. When the minotaur let out another pained roar, Garen seemed to snap out of the trance.

"What are you doing to him you witch?! Leave him alone!!" Garen screamed. The woman's head snapped towards Garen's direction and there was a cold hatred in her blazing yellow eyes.

"Witch?! How dare you even speak to me you pathetic human!!" The woman shrieked. The minotaur was clutching its chest in agony but still managed to speak.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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