Chapter 21

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Fang: *come toward to Yaya* uhmm.. Yaya...

Yaya: what?

Fang: c-can u.... spend some times with me? Only with me...

Yaya: *blushing* s-sure... it'll be great....

Then FaYa spend they're times together.


The next day...
At Boboiboy's house...
In his living room... He's sitting on the sofa.. He looks like thinking something.

Boboiboy's POV:

Seriously? I must feel this feelings again?! It's really.... Hurts!! Especially when I saw them together! And also when she was staring at Fang and Ying... She has been in love with him! Why I can't... stop feel this suck feelings?! Like broken heart !!!


I can't be like that...


Up to her...

I can't change her heart... of course... cuz' I'm only a normal human..

With powers...

But, gladly because Keizia helps me to disappeared my Darkness Power...

Yeah.. I was beating my darkness power by myself.. as my sis told to me...

It's really hurts!!!!!!

But, I love her...

As before...

It's like... she's my true love...

I think...

" Thinking abt Yaya, huh? "

I'm really surprised...

Then I look over the one who talked like that to me. Of course.. it's Keizia.. it's almost everyday she talked with her lazy style... cuz' yeah... she really hates something about "crush" but she always try to hide it from me..

" Seriously? Are you thinking abt her again? It's almost everyday, Boy... "

" What? Is that a problem for u? I bet u have been like me when u was 11 y.o, right? ", ask me.

" 10 y.o for sure.. heh! I don't wanna be like before... u know what... having a crush it's really wasting ur time.. ", said Keizia with her smirks

" it's up to u, Keizia.. I know u don't like me think abt Yaya... and... why? "

" it makes me dizzy!! U always be happy before!!! Now what?! Now u always be sad.... Feels that this life it's killing u!! You're idiot!! Grow up, Boy! You're 15 y.o young boy!! And u have done ur Junior High School !!! "

" none ya' business !!! It's my business, okay?! It's up to me!!! Why u can't understand me?! I'm ur brother!!! "

" You can't be sad all the time! "

" I'm not sad all the time!! "

" What?! Do u think that I don't know what happened with u?! Ur eyes are full of sadness!!! I'm sure u're really sad because u saw Fang and Yaya spend their time together!!! Really?! It makes u sad?! They're best friends, Boboiboy!!! You must say that's really humanelly!! No matter what their feelings right now !! "

" You don't know anything abt them! So, just shut ur mouth!! "

" I'll never shut my mouth until you be happy again! "

Because of You [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now