Chapter 25 [Past 2 - Shouto]

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-Todoroki Shouto-

As you guys know, Kei is my cousin, also Boboiboy.

My father and my mother really love me. I'm not like Kei. Her childhood was full of pain.

I'm always tried to make her happy again. I did it--although it's just few hours or days.

I'm really glad I have a peaceful family.

I thought I'll feel this peace forever.

But, it's not.

My father has darkness and fire power. My mother has solar and ice power.

They only have one child, me. And I got all of their powers.

When I was 3 years old, I already can use all of my powers. Yeah, I'm as genius as Kei.

Well, Kei got an invitation from TAPOPS. I got too. I really want. But, my father doesn't allowed me to join the community. He said he'll teach me to use all of my powers better than TAPOPS.

I believed him, so I rejected the invitation.

But, the truth is my father always hurts me each time I did wrong. My mother tried to protect me.



"Why does father became evil? Why? He has changed..."

"Yeah, I know. But, don't be scared. I'll always protect you.."

I was crying while I said those words to my mother. I'm afraid of my father.

When I was 5 years old, my father also hurts Kei. We're really afraid of my father.

My mother protect her too. But, sometimes she failed.
Cuz' my father's power was much stronger than my mother.


What a painful childhood.

But, gladly the leader of TAPOPS took us from my father and brought us to his house.

Of course my father got mad. He mads at the leader. But, the leader always tried to separate me and Kei from my father. The leader said that this is an order from my mother.

He has separated us from my father. He did it. We've been set free.

But also keep pains.

When we were 6 years old, the leader took us to U.A School. We start our education in there.

Btw, the leader is from Light Creature World.

Before, our first day of school, I got a painful information.

My parents became evil since 1 year ago.

Actually, my mother putted me with the leader it's not because she wants protect us. But, she wants to get a greater power so, she can help my father to does his mission.

My father has to defeat the darkness so, he became one of the evil community. My mother wants to help him.

But, the king tried to make my parents joining the evil community. He did it.

Because of that, I hate myself. I don't want to use all of my powers.

I haven't told about this to Kei and the leader.

Well, everyday I kept that painful all by myself. It makes me depressed.

Because of that, I can't focus in class. So, I failed.

I must to repeat the 1st grade once again.

The leader and Kei were really confused, cuz' they know that I'm genius.

I was crying hardly when I said about this to Kei and the leader.

But the leader made me use my powers again.

He said, "if you have a greatest power in this world, use it."

I know that darkness and solar are the greatest power in this world. So, I'm only use these both powers.

But, although I've approved a lil bit of myself, I'm still can't go through the class easily.

3 times I failed, but because everyone around me.. I can go throught easily just like Kei.

When I was in the 12th grade, 13 years old, I'm joining a competition. That's a competition by U.A School.

During the competition, I'm only use the darkness and solar power.

Well, of course I can go through the competition easily.

But, Midoriya Izuku, my close friend, he made me use my ice power. Well, he knows some about my problems, especially about I don't want to use my fire and ice power.

I won the competition.

About my friend, Midoriya, he's death when he was 14 y.o when he was on a mission.

I don't really know about his death cuz', I don't want to know.

And how can I use my fire power?

In the same age, Kei made me use my fire power when we're met a villain.

And oh yeah, when I and Kei were 8 years old, we came back to our family's house.

You know what, Kei it's really awsome.

I know she kept a lot of pain, but she can make me smilling again.

She made me happy. But, me? I didn't do anything to her.

Well, she smiles.. but it's a fake--I know it's because, her painful life.

We're both made a promise. A promise to protect each other and protect Boboiboy.

And I don't know why.. I believed that there's a hope to make my parents stop being evil.

By the way, my father killed my mother in front of me when I was 10 years old. Because, my father doesn't want give the greatest power-- if he get it.

When I was born until I was 9 years old, I'm only can use my ice power on my right side and fire on my left side.

Before I tell you about that, about my left eye,yeahhh you know the story if you watch Boku no Hero Academia season 2 episode 6 but the different is I was 6 years old that day.

And when I was 10 years old, I don't know how, suddenly I can use both of those powers on my both side of body.

Darkness is my right side and solar is my left side.

And I don't have any kagunes although I'm the one eyed shadow creature.

My solar power is more stronger than my darkness power, I don't know why.

Kei's darkness power is stronger than her solar power. I know the reason.

It's because she has got the darkness power from she was born.

I have Ultimate Power level 8 too. Yup, we're same.

-to be continued

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