Chapter 14

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Caden’s POV

I ran my hand over the soft skin of her bare thigh.

I loved it when Alice wore shorts!

She giggled as my barely there touched teased her. I leaned my head towards her, placing a long kiss on her lips. I could feel her smiling before opening her mouth to allow my tongue in.

“You two should get a room,” Skyler resented, cutting us off.

“This is our room,” I reminded the blond. “Our living room. In our apartment.”

 Sky just huffed and went back to watching TV.

“Why are you here anyway? What’s wrong with 202?” I asked, naming the number of his own apartment.

“It’s empty,” he replied. “Keegan is out and so are Beth and Ashy-boo. I got bored so I came over.”

“Ever heard of something like privacy?”

“Nope,” he stated stubbornly.

“Cade, let him stay for a while,” Alice finally joined in and then muttered so that only I could hear her: “It’s not like we’d have time to do anything; you invited Galya over, remember?”

I nodded.

It was late Saturday afternoon and the redhead would be here in just an hour. I cheered up, thinking how great it would be to show her the studio and my work and to listen to what she had to say about it. Alice and our friends always gave me positive feedback but even though I appreciated their opinions, it would be different coming from Galya; she had experience with painting and as I came to realize she was one of the Aberville Academy of Arts’ best. It was her senior year there so most of the teachers knew who she was and appraised her highly. She’d already given me some valuable tips and her critiques were always welcomed.

I heard the door close; Bethany, Asher and Keegan had just come in.

Not bothering to knock… again.

“Good, you are both here,” Ash said, his excited gaze flickering between me and Sky. “I got something to tell you.”

He sat on one of the two sofas with Beth in his lap and Keegan joined me and Alice on the couch.

“So what is this all about?” Sky asked enthusiastically.

“I think I found us jobs,” the other boy answered.

“Oh, that,” Skyler muttered, his attention back on the TV.

He obviously had no interest in the topic unlike Keegan and I; both of us now sat at the edge of the couch, leaning towards our childhood friend.

“What do you mean you think you found us jobs?” Kee asked.

“Remember dad’s friend? The one we met at the fair?” None of us nodded but Ash’s exaltation did not waver. “Anyway, a new chain store will be opening in Aberville and my dad’s friend is going to be the manager. He offered me a job and said there are more vacancies so I told him I’ll talk to you guys. What do you say?”

“What kind of store is it?” Keegan inquired.

“A rather large convenience store.”

“And our jobs will be…?” Kee kept on questioning.

“I don’t know yet. They are looking for everything from janitors to cashiers and an assistant manager. The salary would depend on our position, of course…”

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