Chapter 37

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A/N: Dedicated to LaLaLoveLouis



Alice’s POV

“How did it go?” Beth got up from her seat and approached me. “Did you find anything out?”

“Not much,” I admitted, taking her by the hand and leading her back to the couch. “But I think it has to do with Keegan.”

“Thought as much,” she murmured, slumping down. I sat next to her. “Do you think they had a fight over a girl?”

“I don’t know, Beth… Maybe.”

I hoped that wasn’t it.

Fighting over a girl - over me - set tension between Keegan and Cade. And when I chose the latter, the other boy was devastated. Things were good now between the three of us, but I hoped Kee wouldn’t have to go through that again. He deserved better. He deserved to find someone to love and who’d love him back; someone who’d make him smile and laugh.

A screech of a door and Beth and I instinctively turned towards the bedroom only to realize a moment later that the sound wasn’t coming from there.

“Anything new?” Ash asked me with concern as he stepped in the apartment.

“No.” I shook my head and moved to a sofa so that he could sit next to his girlfriend.

“You mean nothing nothing?”

Nothing nothing. Not even a hint.”

Beth snuggled to his chest and he kissed her on the head.

“Do you want me to try and talk with him again?” He asked the blonde in his arms.

“I don’t think there’d be a point to that,” she commented through a sigh.

“Maybe we should try Keegan?” I proposed.

“Already did,” my childhood friend replied. “Not answering his phone.”

“Or his door,” her boyfriend added.

“Maybe if Caden were to talk to Keegan?”

They both shook their heads.

“If this is about a girl – which it probably is,” Beth started, “then the last person Kee would want to speak with is Caden. You know… With all that happened between the three of you,” she said cautiously and I nodded; I knew exactly what she meant.

“Maybe it’s not over a girl,” Ash dared to suggest. “I mean, it seems too serious and these two are never serious about girls. And well…” He looked a bit frighten to go on.

“Come on; say it,” Beth urged.

“You know I usually agree with you, right, baby?”

“Out with it, Asher!”

“Maybe something happened between the two of them.”

“Yeah, we kind of got that; it’s obvious,” she said annoyed that he’d wasted her time beating around the bush.

“No, I mean between them… As in… Am I the only one who’s noticed how Sky looks at Kee?” He shot out the last part.

“Well, he looks up to him,” I noted.

“Yeah, he’s probably the best friend my brother’s ever had. Sky definitely admires him.”

“What I meant was,” he puffed and shook his head. “You know what? It’s probably just my imagination. Forget I ever said anything.”

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