Chapter 1- Happy Birthday?...

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I sat in the back of the car as it drove quietly down the county lane, looking across at my friend Justin. The brown haired boy was super exited, and of course I knew just why, today was the day of Justin's birthday party. A celebration was being held at the extremely popular pizzeria place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to be precise. Although I wasn't too keen on showing it, I was pretty exited about the party too. In the back between me and Justin sat Alexandra, or Alex as we called her. She has blonde hair always tied up in a ponytail, Alex smiled up with me, staring with her unusual purple eyes.
"What's up? Kyle?" She asked me in a sweet voice.
"Nothing's wrong Al, I'm fine. I just can't wait for the party." I replied as kindly as I could, Justin was still gazing out the window of the vehicle at the tall pines as we passed. Just then the other occupant of the car, other than his mother who was driving, spun around in his seat to join the conversation.
"Well to be honest, I just hope they have good music. You know I like a good tune." The long purple haired boy smiled as he spoke.
"We all know that Chris, and we all know Alex is exited about the food!" Justin smiled as the car came to a standstill outside the pizzeria. As Alex started fuming with anger over her party food fetish, Chris' mum lead us inside the pizzeria where all of the part guests were waiting.
As soon as we entered inside party decorations, balloons, banners filled out sight, guests cheered 'happy birthday' to Justin with a full up roar. I smiled as I noticed Alexandra sneak of towards the food stand as Chris follow Justin into the crowd. I stood there, not sure what I should do I pushed my red hair out of my face as I walked into the crowd. Just as I was about to walk over to Justin to wish him a happy birthday a tall man dressed in some sort of uniform stumbled in front of me, making me trip over.
"Um...sorry kid." He said as he gave me a helping hand, I refused his generous offer and clambered to my feet.
"It's ok," Being rather curious for some reason, I thought of asking a question about this strange man. "Do you work here? Are you a waiter or something?"
The man looked rather taken a back by my sudden question, or maybe it was because he might not even work at the pizzeria, that would be extremely embarrassing if anyone found out.
"Yeah, I work here kid. Although, I'm a security guard, not a waiter." And with that the man walked away.

The rest of the party continues smoothly, or at least I thought I was going smoothly. Justin had left for a while now, apparently he had gotten cake all over his cloths and he had been sent to the bathroom to go wash it off. I wondered why he was taking so long, so being a good friend and went to see if he was ok, I hoped he was ok this was his birthday party after all. As I walked through the hallways of the pizzeria the echoing music seemed to fade away. Justin wasn't the only one who had left the party though, Chris had ran off to find a balloon after Alex hid it for a party game. Alex had never returned from hiding the balloon so he had gone to look for her too, Chris was kind off angry that she had decided to play hide and seek without letting him know, it made me laugh at the thought of it. Continuing down the long black and white tile floored corridor I spotted the door to the bathroom. I could here the sound of a running tap from inside, the stain the cake had made on Justin's clothes must have been harder to get out than anyone expected. I pushed open the door only to find a sight of horror, oh how I wished I hadn't opened that door. Justin lay there on the tiled surface, the black and white flooring was stained red as I noticed my friend wasn't breathing. Tears flooded my eyes, this was Justin's birthday, why? Who did this? Why would anyone do this?! My mind raged with sadness and yet also anger, I cried for what seemed like forever, I even continued to cry as I heard the almost silent creak coming from the door as it opened and closed. I cried as the same person I felt most angry at came closer, I only stoped crying when I heard those footsteps stop behind me.
"I'm sorry kid. I can't leave any witnesses to this..." A familiar voice murmured, as he held up his hand in the air. Meeting the same fate as Justin I collapsed or the floor beside him.
"I wished the poor kid happy birthday, you know...just thought it was right."
He finished speaking as I gazed up at the man in the security guard uniform I wondered if Alex and Chris would be alright, I wondered how the foolish adults would explain the deaths of they're two best frie...

That was longer than I expected, so what do you guys think? Please feel free to leave a little comment if you want, I will try to respond to most of them. Thank you, I will add more to this story soon, or maybe I will add the rest today. I already have it written up, I go as far as Bo'87 so far, let me know what you think and I'll publish another chapter. :3- From Author-Chan

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