Chapter 3- Bite of '87

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The year is 1987, it's summer time and, although most visitors of Freddy Fazbear's come for the delicious food and a chance to see the wonderful dancing and singing animatronics, there is a large amount that just want to escape from the scorching heat of the summer sun outside. It was around midday anyway so I could see why lots of people had gathered around the stage, it wasn't just to hear, Freddy, as he was now known, singing his little tune, it was just an excuse to get in the shade. Once Freddy had finished singing the curtains drew closed and workers rushed to move the animatronic off stage, or at least to help him of stage due to the fact we can walk freely. As Freddy passed me walking into the backstage area where Bonnie and Chica were being prepared for the final show, I noticed that a glanced a quick look at me with his piercing eyes. Although we could still speak to one another we preferred only to do so when the humans weren't around, although we were once humans and although we are the lost souls of humans, we believe we are no longer. We are animatronics, not humans. The workers came back and directed me towards the stage, of course they didn't realise that I was actually looking at them, all they think we are is some metallic robot designed to bring in money. As I stood there on the stage I was filled with thoughts of sadness, as I always was when I stood on that stage. This was the same room where Freddy's party had been held in, I dreaded singing here, although I never did sing. It was just the programming that was installed into my animatronic body, nothing more nothing less.
The curtains opened to reveal a large audience, they cheered, clapped, laughed and smiled whilst I was forced to sing along with that merry little tune. The front of the crowd, I noticed, was full of young happy children, whilst at the back of the room stood the adults all watching the performance as well as their joyous kids.
But as I was on that stage one of the children on the front row, a small girl with blonde hair tied back into twin ponytails, clambered up onto the wooden panels of the stage. She smiled and giggled as the other children stared at her enviously, yet they were still exited, I also noticed that non of the parents took any notice of her, not at all. I knew that one of the workers would soon rush over and shoo the child away, or maybe the parent would finally get rid of the brat.
I continued my song, the child was slowly edging closer, she was beginning to annoy me now.
"Um, ma'am. I wouldn't let your child go on stage, please tell her to come back here." A voice said. Finally one of the workers was actually going to get rid of her, then I noticed which worker was telling the woman that the girl shouldn't be up here. The man wore a security guards uniform, the same uniform of 'that' man! Sadly I couldn't remember the face of that murderer, it seemed so long ago now. I couldn't take any chances, it could be him.
"No no, she's fine up there. She'll come back here when she realises she shouldn't be up there," the girl's mother began "Besides what harm could she possibly get into? The mascot can only sing and dance." I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, I didn't need too. The guard and the mother were arguing now, yet as soon as he realised he wasn't going to get her to do anything the guard backed away.
Then my attention was brought back to the child, she was now getting really close to me, and soon enough she reached out.

'The mascot can only sing and dance'
They didn't understand, non of them did, humans are so annoying. It was a security guard that took my life away, that took the lives of all my friends away, it was all his fault. The sadness of performing on that dates vanished as the girl reached out grabbing my arm. My mind raged with anger, I knew it was an over reactions, why did I feel this way?
Then it happened, I lost control, I towered over that child as she giggled happily pulling my arm like the brat she really was.
But I wasn't the one to attack her, at least I think it wasn't me. I wasn't even sure who she was anymore, it only looked like a child. Was it a girl? Was it a boy? I don't remember anything clearly, but all I can say was... The crowd was left screaming in terror, I remember my vision blurred as I held that child. I remember Freddy standing there, his mouth drilling with red, and I remember screaming as loud as I could...hoping that someone may here me, hoping anyone would here me.
"Someone call an ambulance!" Yet I know all they heard was a metallic shrieking and growling, that was the end of it all, right there at that moment.
The subject never crept up again between us, Freddy's was shut down for good. It could have been anyone's fault, maybe I attacked that child, maybe Freddy attacked it, maybe it was someone else entirely. I'm still not sure what happened, but I know if it hadn't, we would at least be able to be together, even now...
"Hello and welcome to the Six o'clock news, and just in as breaking news: Popular kids restaurant and pizzeria Freddy Frazbear's has been closed due to a child being attacked. It is unclear which of the so called "mascots" or "animatronics" caused this incident. However, it is very clear to say that the restaurant will be closed permanently. Our hope goes to the family of the child that was attacked, according to the hospital the child is suffering from a brain trauma and may never recover...."
I thought I would be lucky enough to never see that child again, oh how wrong I was, It even has a new name now. Apparently, that poor child died in hospital because of me, and now she lives here too, and she can't feel sadness or emotions as much as the rest of us, but still. They call her The Mangle.....

Watcha think? Since we don't know who caused the Bite of '87 this was kinda complicated to write. I myself think it was Foxy, and that the child was sadly killed, becoming The Mangle. Although (I believe Mangle is a girl) her body wasn't inside of Mangle after she died, I think it would be a interesting story if she was the child involved in '87. Also if you want me to continue with this story, then I will. Just leave a comment and I'll get writing...maybe :3- From the Author :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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