Koneko's Identity Conflict

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Koneko woke up an hour before it was time to get up. She shifted slowly off of Issei as to not wake him. When she stood up she noticed what looked like a tail. She followed it and noticed that it belonged to her. The top of her head felt different. She lifted her hand to the top of her head and noticed she had cat ears. She started shaking as the memories started flooding back through her mind of her past existence of her life. She remembered now of what she really was and started to shake from fear. At that moment Issei woke up and looked over at her. He noticed that she was shaking and curling up on herself with a scared look on her face. He rushed over and wrapped her up in his arms and held her as she started to whimper. She instinctively wrapped her arms around Issei and started crying. At that moment their bedroom door bursted open and Rias came running in. Rias ran over to them and lifted Koneko's head up and made Koneko face her.

"It's going to be alright." said Rias.

"What's happening to me?" Koneko asked.

"You are a Nekomata. This is part of your blood lineage. It's alright. I will help you control your powers." said Rias.

"There is one option that is available." said Akeno as she came through the door.

"Fine. I really didn't want her here but it might be the only chance to help her. Okay Koneko. Summon all your energy and think of the name Kuroka." said Rias.

Without questioning Rias, Koneko did as she was told. Within seconds of her following the instructions, a bright circle appeared in a purplish color. A woman dressed in black appeared inside of the circle. She had a creamy white skin, hair as black as could be with ears on her head just like Koneko's.

"Long time no see sister. How are things going Rias? I knew you would eventually come to me for advice on her true powers." said the Nekomata.

"Wait, what do you mean by sister?" asked Koneko.

"My name is Kuroka. I am your older sister by blood. I am the one that took you out of our home before the angels could kill you too. Are parents were fools and meddled in things that they shouldn't have and pissed off the angels. I was just barely able to get you out alive. I've known Rias since she was just a little girl. I was hoping she would take you in considering I was always on the run and hiding. Thanks to Rias I can run around without having to worry about someone trying to kill me. Thank you Rias. I wish to renounce my ways just to be with my sister. Do you accept me Rias?" said Kuroka.

"Yes. Welcome to my household. I will put you under Akeno but you will have no real official rank." said Rias.

With that said Rias and Akeno left.

"Alright your training of your powers will begin tomorrow. Oh, by the way, all you have to do is focus your thoughts on being in human form and you will go back to being normal. Don't panic little sis. I will help you develope those powers of yours in a good manner. Just to let you know, if you want to reach your full potential, you will have to accept yourself of who you really are and learn to embrace the past and accept it." Said Kuroka.

With that said and done Kuroka left.

"I'm going to go for a walk Issei." said Koneko.

"Alright just take it easy and be careful." said Issei.

Koneko left the dorm and decided to walk around the school premise. As she walked around and thought about her predicament, she looked around and saw how happy the other students were. "I will just have to accept my fate and learn to enjoy life just like them." she thought. She walked around until it was extremely dark out . She headed back to the dorm and grabbed a sleeping gown and bathing things. When she got to the bath area she noticed that there were others in there. They kept on talking with one another as nothing was wrong. Koneko hurried up and took a bath. After she got dressed, she went back to her room and saw that Issei was already in bed but he was awake.

"Are you okay?" asked Issei.

"Yes. I'm fine. I just want to sleep." said Koneko.

With that said, Issei opened his arms up. Koneko laid down in his arms. Issei closed his arms around her and in seconds they both were fast asleep.

The Story Of Koneko Toujou Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now