Chapter 2

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 .: Tara's P.O.V :.

  As you walked to Davina's place, you've got the sick idea to immitate her neighbours: Mr. Branch and his wife.

     To be honest, they were a brutal pain in the ass. You cannot even make a move, because they'll call Davina's parents or even the police. And her parents aren't the "It's allright" type.

       -At Davina's apartament-

  You've got everything. The camera was on, Steph was ol' Mr. Branch and you were "his wife". You had a huge pillow that resembled a fat belly and some sporty pants on. Steph had some big black pants and a pinkish bathrobe. Let's not forget the big belly that she had too.

       -In the middle of filming-

  - But I didn't do anything!

  -You flipping shit! This is the fourth ti-

  You were intrerupted by some knocks at the door. Everyone was scared, exept of Davina who knew what to do in case of that... You all were lucky that you were on the living room.

  - In the closet!!! -said Davina as she shoved you and Aly on the balcony-

  - Oh great... -You said, really scared-

  - What are we gonna do now?! - Aly said, pretty confused and also scared like hell-

  - I dunno... We will just wait until Dev gives us the signal.

          -After 5 minutes-

  You and Aly were looking on the window, when Stephanie opened the door.

  - C'mon! -said Steph-

  - What happened? -Aly whispered-

  - Nothing. She didn't answered to the door.

  - Oh God. We're all screwed...

  As you walked on tiptoes, Davina looked on the eyehole and opened the door.

  - Uhh.. Hi -The guy who seem like your age smiled and looked anywhere but not at Davina- I'm your neighbour from the below apartament. Could you, please..

.uhh.. stop making so much noise?

  Your eyes widened.

  - John...? What are you doing here?

  He looked at you and smiled.

  - Hey Tara! Do you live here...?

  - No. It's Dev's apartament. -You grinned pointing to Davina-

  - Oh, well then...

  - Hey, John! Maybe you can help us with the movie! -Said Riley-

  - Yes! That'd be a pretty good idea! -said Davina-

  - Uhh... Allright... What kind of movie...?

  - A parody.

  - Have you ever used a video camera? -said Aly-

  - Of course! What kind of question is that? -John said, showing a proud smile-

  - Well let's get going, then. Tara, put your pillow... I mean, belly, back where it belongs! -Said Riley-

  - Allright, Allright. -You said rolling your eyes-

  As you and Stephanie put back our costumes, Davina and John began "filming".

  - Let's get to that part where, you know... -said Davina who was filming-

  - Allright. John, you ready?

  - As always! -He said, giving you a warm smile-

         -After filming-

  Right now you all were on the computer and in the middle of editing that movie. It looked really great and that face Stephanie made when she said her line : " If I'll ever hear another sound from you, I'm gonna call you mom... and your dad~. You're not my child, but I can beat you up~, I can beat you up~" was so psycho. Damn. She scared the living shit out of you...

  - Oh my god! Look at that face!! -Aly said, very amused-

  - I know! She is a perfect actress! - you said, trying to hold your laughters.

  - Wait... John, if you live in Branch's apartament.... Where are they?  -Davina said-

  - Well, as my dad said, I think they moved in Canada...

  - In Canada....? YES!!! - Davina yelled, making a victory dance-

  - Wait... CANADA?! NOOOO! TAKE ME WITH YOOU!!! - Aly said-

  - What's so impotant about Canada...? -said John, pretty confused- Do you have relatives there or what?

  - Well I have, but Aly... - You said -


  - And who's that...?

  - JUSTIN. BIEBER!!! - Aly yelled- How could you not know?!

  - There we go again... - Stephanie said, rolling her eyes-

  After that, Aly start telling John everything about him. And when you say "everything", It really means everything. She even told him how Justin's manhood is named... Poor John.

   - After 30 minutes-

  You looked on the window and then at the clock. It's 7:10 and it looks like it's midnight.

  - Well, I'm going home. It's getting dark and I don't like my parents when they are yelling -You said-

  - IT'S 7:10?! MOM IS GONNA KILL MEEE!! -Aly said, rushing to the door-

  - Wow... Woman, calm down...

  - I CAN'T!!!

  - Umm.. well. See you at school... - you said-

  - Yeah. I got to go too. Maybe dad's home... -said John, rubbing his neck sheepishly-

  You both got up our chairs and you got your backpack.

  - WAAAIT!!! - Aly said getting after you-

  - Didn't you forget something? -you said pointing at her legs-

  - Oh. My shoes... Yeah. Sorry.


   Dreamy's note~:

  Hello! :33

  How are you doing today? How was you day? Are you pretty comfy? Sitting well? Want a coffee? XD

   Anyways .u.

  Sorry if this chapter is short... [Didn't have so much inspiration.  ;n;]

  I'll try to make the next one loooooooooooooooong. Longer than ...uhh... Something that's ... pretty big >_> [Don't think about pervert stuff please .w.]

   >_> hehehe

   Cya .u.

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