White Magick Spells: Joy, healing, hope truth, positive energy, prosperity, friendshipMONDAY
White Magick Spells: Protection in journeys, intuition, health of the body
Black Magick Spells: Getting rid of enemies and banishing of evil beingsTUESDAY
White Magick Spells: Passion, confidence, winning judgement to one's favor
Black Magick Spells: Cause discord, chaos, hatered, lost of one's prosperityWEDNESDAY
White Magick Spells: Dreams, preventing poverty, attaining knowledge of the world and the spirit worldTHURSDAY
White Magick Spells: Prosperity, peace, love, concord, appeasing enemies, confirming honor and dignityFRIDAY
White Magick Spells: Love, passion, sex, conception, ending strife, dissolving enchantment, promoting concordSATURDAY
White Magick Spells: Past life recall, illness, getting rid of negative energies or bad habits
Black Magick Spells: Binding, banishing-------------------
Thanks 4 reading, in just wanted to say I hope you like it and I hope you have a great nigh/day. Blessed be-Autaa🌙
Book Of Shadows-Let's Talk Witchy
SpiritualThis will be a book full of Magick and information about Wicca, Paganism, and Witchcraft. Hope you guys like this and please enjoy! Blessed be