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A wand is mentioned in Harry Potter and multiple times in witchy books. But how are they really used, what's the meaning, and how do I use it?


Well wands are used to direct your energy from you to a place in a room. They are also used to draw symbols in the air using your energy. The wand is the element air and should be placed on the right of your altar to represent the God.


How to Make a Wand:
Well the making of a wand can be as simple as finding a twig and cleanse it, or as hard as buying one that's already used on Amazon or Etsy. But here's a list of trees and what their magickal properties are.

Ash- Protection, healing, abundance
Aspen- Knowledge, intuition, understanding
Beech- Letting go, renewal, positive outlook
Birch- Purification; protection, especially of the young
Cedar- Balance, spirituality,  courage, dreams
Cherry- Success; efficiency especially in business or manufacturing
Elder- Exorcism, healing, prosperity, joy, protection
Elm- Love, success, renewal in faith
Fir- Wisdom, regeneration
Locust- Healing, protection, cleaning
Maple- Luck, strength, love, family, long life
Oak- Health, strength, power, money, protection
Pear- Hope, lust, love, generosity, growth
Pine- Wisdom, longevity, grounding, fertility,blessing
Rosewood- Psychic, powers, healing, divination, love
Walnut- Health, blessing, fertility, mental acumen

Well then you can can choose one, I chose walnut and carved it and my result is the photo above. I cleansed and charged them. You can coat it with beeswax. Many people put an acorn on the tip of the wand.


Now you can decorate it all you want. It's your's. Hope you enjoyed this.

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