What You Need:
-Cinnamon (Powder or stick is fine)
-Chocolate milk mix
-Pink Candle
-Rose IncenseProcedure:
Light the incense. Ground up the basil, barley, and the chocolate milk mix into a powder (if you choose, grind up the cinnamon stick as well). Light the pink candle. Pour the powder into the cup of milk, stir clockwise. While stirring, say the following:One or none.
That one is me,
make it true with the apricot tree.
By the basil leaf and the barley grow,
Aphrodite will forever know.
I am ment for you
and you are ment for me,
So mote it be.Give this to your desired victim, if not given to the victim within 3 days this potion will not work.
Book Of Shadows-Let's Talk Witchy
SpiritualThis will be a book full of Magick and information about Wicca, Paganism, and Witchcraft. Hope you guys like this and please enjoy! Blessed be