Chapter Nine

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Anxiety's POV:


I started to get better, I didn't cough as much, I felt less sick, and I mainly just had a little cough and a stuffed nose. I woke up before Princey, so I just sat in my room, messing on my phone. I heard a knock on my door and I said,"Come in". The door opened and it was Roman, rubbing his eye."Good morning, Sleeping Beauty", I said, looking at him with a smile."Morning", he said, closing my door. He walked over to my bed, sitting next to me, and he laid his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head, making him smile, and he yawned."Still tired"? I asked, raising an eyebrow."No", he said. Liar. I thought."Roman, tell the truth", I said, looking at him."I *yawn* Am", he said, sitting up as he rubbed his eye."I know you're lying, Princey", I said, grabbing his hand."Okay, I *yawn* admit it, I'm tired", he said, rubbing his eye with his free hand."Then go back to sleep, Princey", I reply."But, I wanna be with you", he argued, looking at me. I smiled, kissing his head, and I stood to turn off my light. I walked back over, sitting on my bed, and I laid down, motioning for him to, lay with me. He laid down, me wrapping my arms around him, and he Nuzzled in my arms, making me smile."I love you", he said, sleepily."I love you too, My Prince", I replied.


It had been terrible since Prince and Morality died. I couldn't stop blaming myself. If I had just rubbed off the pain when I fell, I could've grabbed Patton and save Prince. The thought of Prince always brought me to tears, knowing he'd never come back to me, giving my kisses, telling me 'I love you', cuddling me, and making me happy. Logan and Thomas always tried to brighten the mood, but, the main person who could do that is Princey. "I'm sorry.....", I muttered as I cried in my corner with my hood on." I'm so sorry...…..", I said, hugging my knees to my chest as I sobbed my eyes out."I could've gotten there faster, and saved you....", I choked out."You would be in my arms, hugging me.......", I said, squeezing my eyes shut. Wait, I can see him again. I thought. But, then it'll set Thomas and Logan into depression. I thought, looking down. Yeah, I'm in a super depressed state, but, Thomas will only have Logan if I do it. But, Roman. I have to. I stood, walking over to my dresser. I pulled out a pill container, and twisted the capp off. I walked over to my window, opening it, and pouring the pills out. I have to wait. I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and I looked down, seeing two arms in white sleeves."I'm always here", I heard Roman's voice echo. "I'll never leave you". I started to cry, placing my hand on his, and he started to disappear." Roman", I said, sobbing."I'm sorry".

(End of dream)

I sprung up, tears brimming my eyes, and I saw Roman next to me, reading a book. He looked over at me and I looked back, trying not to cry. He closed his book, setting it down, and hugged me, me hugging back and crying my eyes out."Shh, its okay. It was just a dream", he said, stroking my hair."I'm never gonna leave you".

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