c h a p t e r t w e n t y o n e

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"Love will either make you or destroy you"


"I hate apparating." Draco groaned as he stumbled into the library.
"Uh huh." Hermione absentmindedly agreed as she began her search.

The two looked through the shelves in silence. Draco didn't really even know what he was looking for, he just knew it was something about memories.

"Hey Granger-" Draco called from the other side of the room, "I think i found something." He held up a deep purple book that was reasonably thick - probably about 400 pages. On the front, it had the title "Memory Losses and Charms."

Hermione took the book from him, brushing her hand on his arm as she did so. Draco paused but she payed no attention to him, walking to the desk in the middle of the room.

"It says here," she began as she flicked through the pages, "that bonds can effect the length of the memory loss."

"What sort of bonds?" Draco asked, regaining his sense of movement.
"Different bonds make the spell last different amounts of time."

The girl traced her finger along the page. "Repairing the memory artificially is unlikely to work. Family bonds make the memory come back after 2 or 3 years, soulmate bonds take a year or so depending on how close you and your soulmate are." she said, closing the book.

"Do you mind if i take this back to my apartment?" asked Hermione as she stood up. Draco shook his head.
"Wait, Granger." he said. Hermione turned around to raise her eyebrow at him but she was met with Draco who simply looked uncomfortable.

"I don't want to bring this up, but doesn't this mean your parents will eventually gain their memories back?" he asked.

Hermione stared at him for a few moments before shrugging.
"I suppose so."
"Aren't you happy about it?"
"My coping mechanism is ignoring the problem. Please let me use it."

Draco ran a hand through his hair and gave her a flat smile. "Yeah sure, sorry."


Hermione apparated to her apartment but Draco ended up staying at the manor. He figured she might want some time alone to think things through, maybe come up with a plan to help speed her parent's natural memory gain process.

Either way, he thought that it was best to leave the girl alone for a few hours - maybe even a day.

Draco wandered out of the library and across the 2nd floor corridor where his bedroom was located. He hadn't been in his room for several years, not since Voldemort had held meetings in the manor.

The room was dusty but everything was where Draco had originally left it. He walked along the polished floorboards and sat down on his old bed which had an emerald green silk sheet thrown over the top of it.

He rested his head against the back of the headboard but sat up straight again when he couldn't get into a comfortable position. Draco furrowed his eyebrows as he lifted a corner of the sheet, only to discover the source of his discomfort.

There seemed to be one of his old potion textbooks under the sheets.

Draco opened the book to a random page and almost immediately recognised it as his sixth year textbook.
He shrugged and placed the book to the side but was interrupted when a random memory suddenly flooded his mind.


2 years ago


"Oh my god! Draco stop!" Hermione yelled as she ran away from the blonde.
"Make me." he smirked.

Hermione stopped in her tracks and turned to cross her arms.
"That's not my job."
"Oh but it could be."

The girl rolled her eyes playfully as she sat back down on the grass, hauling the potions textbook onto her lap. "Your exam results are always a few marks lower than mine. I still don't understand why you need these tutoring lessons."

"Well," Draco sat down beside her, "maybe this is just an excuse to get to know you."
Hermione raised her eyebrows and laughed. "Or is it just a way to get information on the DA?"

Draco gasped and put his hand to his heart, "It most certainly is not!"
Hermione shook her head as she hid a small smile. "I'm a mudblood. Maybe eventually blood purity won't matter but at the moment, it matters a lot."

Draco leant back slightly as Hermione spoke. He used to be proud of his pure blood status but he's only just started realising that it was his blood status that got his into this mess in the first place.

"It doesn't matter to me. Not anymore, anyway." he said.

Hermione and Draco sat in silence for a while until Draco could feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of his head.
He turned around and raised an eyebrow but Hermione wasn't even looking in his direction.

"I might go back up to the castle soon. I don't think we're allowed to be by the lake anyway." Hermione said, staring at the ripples in the water caused by a stray tentacle.

She looked over at Draco who simply shrugged. "Umbridge loves me and you're a prefect. We'll make up a decent enough excuse if it comes to it."

Hermione nodded and cast her gaze back upon the lake but Draco didn't avert his stare. He considered telling her the real reason he wanted to get close with her in the first place but he figured it would be best not to.

Not until he was completely sure.

"I really must be off. Harry and Ron are going to be questioning me if i stay out any longer." sighed Hermione. Draco groaned but stood up nevertheless.

"Are we still on for tomorrow?" he asked, brushing the grass off of his robes. "Actually," Hermione began as she fixed her tie, "I might have to give it a miss tomorrow. I don't know if my 'tutoring a Hufflepuff' excuse is going to work any longer at this rate."

Draco pouted slightly and sighed.
"What about in 2 days?"
"DA meeting."

Hermione glared at him but she knew she was smiling.

Draco smiled as Hermione handed him his potions textbook.
"See you later then, Granger."
"Goodbye Draco."


a/n school's out bitches

jk ily all i'm just buzzing

i went up to edinburgh today and there was a whole load of hp shit everywhere it was magical (haha get it?)

anyways it's like 10 and i'm highkey tired so i hope you all have/had a fantastic day! 💗

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