Did He Just Stare At Me?

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The school is bigger than I anticipated. There are doors half as thick as tree trunks and most of the floors are chequered like a chess board...I love it. The lunch here isn't actually all that bad and I can choose to sit outside to eat if I want to. No one ever does though, I wonder why. The chaperone seemed surprised when I wanted to; it was such a nice day outside. The birds were chirping and i'm sure I saw about 5 different types of blossom!! I love blossoms. Right now my classes are Biology, Chemistry, English, Maths and Psychology. And I know what you're thinking: why the f*ck psychology? It's so boring!! Well, I love to analyse and understand and psychology really does it for me, plus with me being an absolute and total loser, it sort of fits my stereotype, don't you think. And now I'm putting myself down again. Why do I do this? I'm intelligent, i'm kind and thoughtful,  i'm pretty good looking and I have...nice hair? Well, it's better than thinking I'm a nobody.

I'm at home now, lying face up on my bed. I have no posters in my room. I'm not obsessed with anyone at the moment and I certainly don't plan to be. Fan girls are creeppyyy here. Especially Beiber fans. They're like constantly updated walking fact books about Justin Beiber and can remember every status update and every tweet and every comment and every instagram that he makes but you ask them the difference between 'your and you're,' and it's like you're talking to a goldfish. A zombified one. Like I said...creepy.

College was...bearable today. I hung out with Jennifer because she was in all the same classes as me: surprise surprise. I honestly think she's a secret twin sister my parents didn't tell me about. The girl guessed my age and everything!

We had lunch outside and were the only ones too. Everyone kept staring like we were insane for going to the patio outside, but I can't understand why. Maybe something unspeakable happened there? I'll have to ask later. Right now I was going to work out but there's a kit kat from the cafeteria sitting in the front of my backpack and it's calling my name. Wait, what? You want to know how my day went? You want to see what happened and why I came home with my sneaker engrained with the words "it's you?" Uggh alright, but don't say I'm not good to you... wait that sounded weird....

Flash back to this morning...

"Alright class settle down, I don't want to have to ring the assistance bell on the first day of college. Now I assume you are familiar with the surroundings of the school but for those new students I will give you "the low down". "Please stop trying to relate to us Mr Gevers". "Very well, but you know what I'm saying... innit?"

The whole class sighs in social frustration

"Alright alright, ok!! Could those students who are new raise their hands?" Jennifer nudges me and I, irritated, raise my hand. I hate being highlighted. I'm not important, so don't make me important.

"Hello there, I'm Professor Gevers and you are..." "Lucy Felix sir". "Welcome to Windervane College. I'm sure you'll be able to fit in nicely here, we have no desire to make anyone feel uncomfortable, that's our main rule and mission". Well mission failed buddy, i'm feeling uncomfortable and it's not even my birthday. Wait, is that meant to be uncomfortable or is that just me? Yess, I thought so. Man I need help. I'm so weird. Why am I even here, I swear I can feel a bead of sweat falling down my face. Do I wipe it away like I'm tucking my hair behind my ear, or do I pretend I have a scratch and I just flick it off? My hand doesn't want to move. I don't know which one to go for, ohh this is so stressful, I think I'm gonna puke...

"Um miss Felix, are you alright? If you're hot feel free to turn on the fan, anyone can use it at any time, apart from during exams of course". "Thank you, i'm fine". I lightly touch my forehead; turns out it was nothing but dust. It felt so real, I could feel the sweat gliding through the concealer I'd piled on my forehead this morning. Maybe I just need to chill, ya know? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ahh. That's better.

"Lucy...Lucy. I have rearranged your Chemistry and Psychology journals. They were in the wrong order". "Oh, thanks Jennifer". My classmates are quite dedicated to their work, i'm impressed with the concentration in here, and I saw a boy eyeing me a few times in Chemistry: how ironic. Maybe it's because I'm new, and maybe it's because I have over imaginative eyes, but either way time will yell. No really, time is yelling in my ears so loudly I'm sure they're going to vomit blood into my hands as I grip them shut, screaming for them to stop and be quiet stop and be quiet stop and be quiet stop and be QUIEEEETTTTT.....

I fell asleep. With my headphones in. My alarm is ringing 4.28am. Why so early? Because 4 times 2 is 8 and 8 times 8 is 64. 6 + 4 is 10. 19 -10 is 9 which is the time my psychology class starts. That I feel is the easiest way to remember when my class starts. I bet you're thinking  "ooohh but Lucy, why don't you just put an alarm on at 8.45am and label it Psychology? " Because that's too easy isn't it? I might not take the alarm seriously and end up missing the class. Duh.

Hey, what's up people? I hope you enjoyed this segment of the story, I'm not sure what I should focus on next, but hey, you're reading this, what should happen next? Poor Lucy,  if only she'd stop over thinking, she might just save her brain from exploding. No really, it might just...explode.

Does this boy ever talk to Lucy?

Does Lucy find an opportunity to speak her mind and convert fellow classmates to her way of thinking?

Bohemian L.O.V.E AND HUGS

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