School Life

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Wake up Bitch, it's 06:30am". I figured if I get my alarm to cuss me out, it might make me angry and get up quickly: yeah, I'm that bad.

  I start school today, well, college. I'm not the slightest bit excited. Couldn't be more miserable actually. Ughh, why do I have to go? I can study at home can't I? I don't need to mix around people to get good grades!!?! I can feel this crawling in my stomach. It feels like two foot long centipedes wrestling each other to see who can crawl up my throat the fastest.  Or maybe that's because I haven't eaten yet. (sigh) oh well, let's hope I meet some cute boys there... damn, I've never thought like that before. Good to know the old hormones are still running their course.

I make my bed and fold my pajamas. I go to my wardrobe and lay out what I'm gonna be wearing: a grey tank top with dark jeggings and a red hair band with a bow. I run the shower and shave my legs before applying a face mask. I really want to make myself feel good today, maybe it'll help me have a better attitude about my day.

I dry off and get dressed. Damn it's already 07:42am. How long was I in the shower for? Do you ever just stand in the shower contemplating life? That shower made a meal out of me...

I honestly don't wear make up. I don't have the time to do it and besides, gel eyeliner scares the crap outta me. In the end I decide on dark pink lipstick and head downstairs. I hear the door open and look to see Reece entering the house, face red and sweaty and his underarms and neck dripping with sweat. "Where have you been Reece?" "I went jogging". "To where, the Himalayas?" "Ha. Ha. You're funny. Ughh I need some water before I drown in my own sweat". "Haha I'll get you some". "Thanks Lucy". I run to the kitchen sink and find a glass. I switch the tap on and pour water to the top. I give it to Reece. "So, you've got school today?" "Yeah, well, college actually. I'm not 12". "Definitely not, Miss Felix. Why so frosty?" "I'm sorry, it's just that I really don't want to go. I feel so awkward around people I don't know. Plus I don't need to be around them to learn anything". "Well, you say that but their attitude will help you develop socially when it comes to finding a job". "Oh yes, finding a job. What's the purpose of having those again?" "Look, Lucy, I get it, I really do. The guys at my school were complete d*cks. Well, apart from the ones I made friends with, they were the nice d*cks. But honestly, after people acknowledge who you are, what group you fit into, whether you're looking for trouble or just an easy target to manipulate, no one cares after that. So just own your first day like you know every one and everyone likes you. You'll see, someone will stick out who you'll like. And when you find them, I'll finally be able to have the house to myself". "Why are you training to be an engineer again? You should be a philosopher! ". "I like to fix things Lucy, and I hope I've fixed the pain and worry that you're feeling about today." I could cry right now. Having Reece is the only thing that keeps me going sometimes, I really am on the edge.

And great, it's 07:58. The bus gets here at 08:15 and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. Or maybe I should skip it today? I haven't worked out in two days and Reece just went for a high - intensity jog. Yeah, no breakfast for me. I need to keep up with the high profile figure here. Oh who am I kidding, there's nothing here.

I go into the living room and turn on the tv. All of these early morning cartoons are on. Oh what I wouldn't give to just grab my duvet and wrap myself in it like a bug and watch all of these. Aww Looney Tunes!!! I miss Daffy Duck and his lisp. Whoever put the 's' in 'lisp' has a cruel heart and they know it!  And Bugs Bunny!! He's hot for a rabbit!!! I hear a long beep outside my house.

"Lucy, I think your bus is here for sch.. I mean college!!" God, I love my brother so much. Why can't he just come with me? Nah, come on Lucy, you're 19. You can do this. Make them see you as you want them to. Here goes nothing...

Hey there!!

So I thought to myself, you need to keep the creativity flowing so that your audience stays interested, but then I realised...I have no audience, so just write whatever comes into your head!! Updates will be frequent, so stay tuned and I'll write to you soon :) I wonder how Lucy will deal with her first day at college. Will she hold Reece's advice high in her thoughts, or will she buckle under her own inhibitions? Well, why are you asking me? stay tuned to find out!!!

Bohemian L.O.V.E and Peace ✌

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