Harvey Bullock X (awesome!) Reader

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"Hey, Bullock! Wanna go get a danish with me? I'll buy," you tempt, hoping with all your heart that he'll say yes, or something.

"Not right now, 'cause Jimmy here thinks we should go try to find this bad dude whose been killing some rich people."

"Not 'try'; we will find him, Harvey. Sorry, Y/N." Jim says, starting to walk away. You try hard to not let your disappointment show.

After they're gone, you retire for the night. You work as a secretary in the GCPD, and developed a huge crush on Harvey. You dropped hints, if you could even call them hints, because they were more like all-out flirting. But he just didn't get it! You were all compliments, 'Love your hair! Love your work! Etcetera, etcetera.' Once you even said 'I love you', out loud in front of his smug little face! He completely ignored you, then he mumbled a small 'huh?". Of course, he was pretty drunk, but no excuses!

You sigh, turning on some music. (Deep Down (remix) by Scientist, above, {Ps, you don't have to listen to it but I think it's great})

It just made you so darn sad. Maybe it was all useless? The flirting, all the danishes you bought him. You even tried to bake him some, almost burning down your house in the process, but its the thought that counts. Right?

He never even speaks to you. Not even playful, sarcastic banter! He probably thinks I'm trying too hard or some such nonsense.

Maybe I should tell him outright? When he's not drunk as a skunk. Ugh, this ♪♪♪ is killing me, killing you♪♪♪

You sigh, lying down on the floor in your kitchen. You rummage through the bills and junk mail in your hands, eventually throwing them on the table above you.


The next month, you were back at the office, gloomy as ever. The past three weeks you had avoided Harvey as much as you could, and were moping about, not smiling once, glaring at everyone. You have mastered the art of not giving a darn about anything.

Didn't have your coffee today? Why are you telling me? Do I look like I care? Didn't think so! Didn't get any sleep because you were binge-watching Netflix all night? Shove off, and learn how to say no to all the admittedly awesome shows, like Stranger Things and Daredevil!

Everyone was avoiding you and with good reason. You were cantankerous; a nuclear bomb waiting to go off.

Today though, Harvey approached. You tried to ignore him, but he grabbed you and shoved you into an abandoned hallway onto the wall.


"What's your deal, huh!! Everyone has been steering clear of you for weeks now! Even Ed, the friendliest weirdo I know, has been put in a bad mood, just by standing near you for a second! What is wrong with you!?"

Something snapped during his tirade.

You shove Harvey against the other wall, and glower at him.

"You think something's wrong with me? You are the blindest, most arrogant, most irksome son of a motherless goat I have ever had the displeasure of meeting! You think I was just being nice all those times I bought you a danish and complimented you?! I was flirting, dang it! I love you!"


silence... (awkward)

more silence... (more awkward)

even more silence... (even more awkward)

even more than more silence... (even more than more awkward)

even more than more than more silence... (even more than more than more awkward)

even more than more than more than more than more silence... (even more than more than more than more than more awkward)

Then, finally the silence ends. (also the awkward ends)

"Wow, that's what this is all about?..."

You nod slightly, letting him go.

"I'm... sorry, okay? I was scared you'd reject me. I-"

"Reject you?! I was the one who was getting rejected! You-" The insults were about to flow freely from your mouth but were stopped in an interesting manner.

He kissed you.

Full on the lips, passionately. Very passionately. And you returned it with relish.

"Y/N, I love you so much, you don't ever have to worry about rejection with me. I'll love you forever."

"Same here, Harv. But seriously? You were scared of rejection so you never responded to my hints?"

"Ha, hints? It was like you were banging me over the head with it! Seriously."

You both laugh, and walk back into the main area of the GCPD.

Everyone is staring. Finally Jim breaks it by shouting in a loud, bellowing voice, "FINALLY, there will be peace!"

Everyone snickers, self included, and goes back to work, self excluded.

You give Harv one last kiss, then go to finish filling some things.

Hope you all liked! Especially FemaleLucifer666, thanks for the request btw!

Please comment, especially if you thought something was funny, 'cause I was trying to add humour, and I don't know if I succeeded.

Vote if you feel like it, and maybe add to your reading list or something.

Thanks again!

(PS: Please request, because, as you have seen, I love doing requests!)

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