Chapter 1: Story Begins

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It wasn't like this before, saying the things that were meant to be said. Or just a way to end ones life. Before I tell you the tale, everything all began with a little red book, carved in fine gold lettering.


In a little park not far from your home, sitting under the tree was the wind blows by. Rain was coming , the clouds moving in, in such a pace it might even thunderstorm. You on the other hand, didnt care. You see, you were lets just say lonely for one. Parents didnt seem to care, no friends to even call of you own. Only your thoughts and books were one thing. Even as a little girl, nobody wanted to be around you. Shy for one, yet inside a little bold on your part. Drops of water seem to fall on your forhead. Soon the area of the once dry land was now soak as puddles began to form. You sigh to yourself, holding yourself close, shivering under the cold. You sneezed a little.

"Why am I like this?" you spoke outloud, nobody was going to hear you. Who would be here of all places during the rain? "Isnt there someone out there?" being the age of 18 to say the least. School was over, life started to change, you didnt know what to do with your life. "Just someone I can talk to...someone that understands me..someone..someone.." you sneezed once more. You knew being out here too long, you would catch a cold and you would never hear the end of it with your parents. Caring was unlikely. Getting off the ground, you began to sprint arcoss the field.


"______________, where were you? You were suppose to be here before the storm hit." hearing the sounds of your angry mother. Your father was standing next to her, pointing the finger like you were a child once more. You couldnt blame them, you were always childish in your own way. Growing up was the hard part of your life. Nothing changed.

"I'm 18 years old now, I can do whatever I want. I'm home now so whats the big deal?" crossing your arms across your chest. You noticed your father was starting to turn red for a moment, before your mother placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Thats enough out of you. Keep this up and you can find somewhere else to live." a threat for once. Not likely, it was the same move before about a year ago. You didnt say a word, only hearing your baby sisters cries echo through the house as thunder was heard. Your mother groaned. "Take care of her while we are gone. And if anything happens to her, you will be punished." you rolled your eyes slightly. You walked up the stairs to check on your sister, a pain she was. The child that they all loved. You never even got, a jealous action. Yet you knew deep down, you couldnt blame her, your parents were to blame. Hearing the door shut from down the stairs. You opened the door to your parents room, in the cradle she was. Your baby sister.

"Its alright, your big sister is here." you whispered to her, as soon her eyes began to drop. Sleeping peacefully. You turned away, shutting the door. Entering your room, it was peace. Yet the moment you walked in, a strange little red book was on your bed. Strange, you walked over to it and picked it up. Spreading your fingers, touching the letters, you trailed your eyes, reading it. The Labyrinth. You curved your lip, sitting down on the bed, you began to open the book.


There's such a sad love. Deep in your eyes. A kind of pale jewel. Open and closed. Within your eyes. I'll place the sky. Within your eyes.

That voice, such angelic and pure, everyone was dancing, you couldn't tell if this was real, but it seem like it. You looked down at yourself, wearing nothing more than a beautiful white ball gown, detail and all. Your hair loosely down while a hair accessories attached. Feeling them, such form you couldn't describe. Before you knew it, you were entrance with the music that was playing. Masks were everywhere. Yet one person removed its mask. Seeing those eyes, your mouth opened a little. Beautiful golden locks fallen down his slender face, those eyes mismatched, were like pools of life. As soon as you moved a little closer, he seem to disappeared out of thin air. You turned around, hoping to see him once more. Looking around, the more you capture every moment, it was becoming noticeable. It was a ball...people dancing. Yet your ears listen once more.

There's such a fooled heart. Beatin' so fast. In search of new dreams. A love that will last. Within your heart. I'll place the moon. Within your heart.

You didn't seem to notice him, he was close to you. Taking your hand, you began to dance with this strange man, his voice echos as he was the one that was singing. His eyes were on you and only you. Following his lead, he kept on going.

As the pain sweeps through. Makes no sense for you. Every thrill is gone. Wasn't too much fun at all. But i'll be there for you. As the world falls down.

Close to your ear he was, his breath tingling your skin. A slight chuckle, cause your cheeks to blush. He soon began to spoke,

"Soon my queen. We shall meet."


"_____________ get up!" Hearing the sound of pounding against the door. You groan a little, getting up from your bed, letting the book fall to the floor. You opened the door, seeing your mother, holding a list in her hands. Handing it to you, she spoke once more. "Finish these chores, than you can do whatever you want. One mistake of not getting something done, you will get the talk from your father." you only nodded not dealing with anymore. Walking away from you, you shut the door. Tossing the list onto the table that wasnt far from you, you heard the car leaving the driveway, looking out the window, you saw your mother taking your baby sister with her. Good, thats one less thing to worried about. You went over to pick up the book, you finished reading it in one sitting. It was interesting and you really didnt want to put it down. Yet reading the cover of the letters once more. The man..your felt so real. Thinking back..who was he?

"Oh Goblin King...if only you were real. I could leave this place..."

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