What A Day

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The heat was excruciating as the sun beat down on the usually dark Addams' property with blinding bright rays. This was the third day in a row that the sky was clear and blue and the sun was free to warm and light up the earth. Morticia peaked out the curtain in her bedroom as she awoke and immediately closed it again, blinking open her eyes as she was temporarily blinded. Gomez looked concerned from where he still sat in bed as Morticia placed her cool fingers against her temple to ease away a growing headache brought on by the light.

"You alright, Querida?" He called to her.

"Infernal sun," Morticia replied calmly but with disgust thick in her voice as she crawled back onto the black, silk sheets, cool against her skin and bringing instant relief due to the hotness of the house because of the weather. As she laid on her back with her arms above her head, she groaned, "I'm just so hot..."

Gomez immediately rolled over and held himself above her with lust filled eyes, "Yes you are."

As he began kissing and nipping her neck she half laughed half begged, "Not like that, big shot! Get off me!"

Reluctantly, he rolled back onto his side, the sheets immediately feeling cool against his bare back. "Heat rises," he said after a minute. "Maybe we should head downstairs or to the caves; it might be cooler."

"I don't want to move," Morticia replied quietly. "Too hot."

He looked over to her, concerned again. Sure, heat and the sunlight affected Addams more than the average person but it really affected Morticia. He thought back to the last time it was sunny like this for a week. Morticia got really sick and he would do anything not to see her like that again.

"I'll run downstairs quick and make you up a smoothie with some B+ and cyanide," Gomez told her kindly as he got out of bed.

She opened her eyes to look at him with a smile at how thoughtful he was. As he left the room, the door creaking delightfully as it closed, Morticia suddenly felt herself grow extremely dizzy and she began experiencing sudden jerks up and to the sides, but she never moved, she only felt like she did and her eyes seemed to be playing tricks on her. Her head began to throb stronger now and she felt like someone was slicing razors through her brain tissue. She found it was becoming harder and harder to breathe and she began to find herself become fearful. This has never happened before; even last year when it was all sunny like this, the doctor just diagnosed her as having the flu. Bringing her palms up to her forehead, she immediately ripped them away from her skin for it felt like liquid fire.

Suddenly her vision got blurry and after blinking furiously she looked toward the foot of the bed and saw...herself. Immediately she bolted upright in shock. She saw that she was standing there dressed in her usual attire but with crossed arms and eyes that burned with rage. An icy cold, blank, unforgiving glare. Morticia just stared back, her mouth dropped in disbelief as she looked at her unmoving and unblinking self.

Later regaining her composure, she shook her head, which did nothing for her headache, and blinked her eyes but she was STILL there! Suddenly her door opened and Gomez walked in with a smile, holding her Blood Smoothie. Morticia's eyes briefly flicked over to Gomez before landing back on herself. She watched as she suddenly smiled demonically at her, her eyes burning satanically before she turned and walked directly up to Gomez, brushing against him as she passed, scratching her nails across his cheek in added measure, before disappearing out the closing door. Gomez didn't even react.

"Morticia!" Gomez suddenly shouted from where he was suddenly standing next to her side of the bed.

She jumped, which came as a surprise to Gomez for she doesn't scare easily and even when startled she never... "jumps".

"Querida," Gomez began concerned. "Are you alright? I've been talking to you for the past minute, calling to you, and you seemed like you couldn't even hear me. You just kept staring intently at the foot of the bed then the door. And you looked ready to kill whatever you saw; at first I thought it was me." He let out a chuckle at the end of his sentence to ease his nerves as he kneeled next to the bed and handed her her smoothie.

"S-sorry," Morticia replied, cringing at how shaken her voice sounded as she took a sip from the straw. Quickly regaining herself, she continued, "I was just...thinking."

Gomez nodded but wasn't convinced. He's experienced times before where she'll completely tune herself out when in thought but never had he'd seen her look upon something with such pure, vehement hate. Brushing a strand of hair from her burning forehead, Gomez said slowly, "Alright, darling." As he stood, he kissed her hair before disappearing into the bathroom.

The instant he was out of sight, the smile immediately left Morticia's face as she grimaced in pain. Her headache was getting worse and now even the candles that lit their room seemed too bright. She had no idea how to explain what had happened to Gomez and she wasn't so sure if she wanted to. The smoothie did seem to cool her down, however, which was good. She thanked Gomez again in her mind at his thoughtfulness.

Gomez soon emerged from the bathroom, dressed for the day, his eyeliner perfect as always, and his smell...Morticia couldn't keep the smile off her face, even with the pounding in her head.

"I can feed Cleo for you if you want to stay in bed for the rest of the day."

The idea sounded welcoming, but she needed to get up; she couldn't just lie there. Besides, the idea of encountering herself again... She didn't know how to describe it, but for the first time Morticia felt fear. Absolute fear.

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