Chapter 9: A Child's Tale

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"Sun?" The girl said.

"Moon?" I responded in shock. For a few moments we stood in complete silence. Why is she here? Why now?

Moon responded first. "H-how have you been?"

"Uh, great. I, uh, didn't know you lived in my old house now..." I stuttered.

"Yeah. We bought this place several years back. I didn't know this was your house though." She responded in a flat tone. I could hear the resentment in her voice returning. So she still hasn't changed after so long...

Lillie finally recovered from total shock. "WAIT WAIT WAIT. HOW DO YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER?" She yelled with confusion.

Moon looked at Lillie. "We were childhood friends a long time ago." Then she gave me a bit of a glare. "But not so much anymore."

Lillie could probably sense the tension, but I doubt she cared. "What do you mean 'not so much'?"

I scratched the back of my head. "It's kind of a long story..."

"Well, can you tell me?" Lillie asked impatiently.

I stood there looking down in silence. I didn't want to face this end of my past again. Not after what happened. Moon broke the silence once again.

"I can tell you some of it, but Sun still has parts of it he has to tell." She looked at me. "You want to help me with this at least?" She asked in a demeaning tone.

I nodded my head slowly. I looked up and saw Lillie with a bit of sadness in her eyes. It looked like she knew she was going to regret this.

Moon sighed. "Alright, Lillie. It all began when Sun and I were at a summer camp in Viridian City several years back..."

Flashback: 7 years ago...(Sun and Moon are 9)

Moon POV

We were on our long walk back to Viridian City, which was still a good ways away from here. Sun and I were walking together with the rest of our group. We were talking about how we would become Pokemon trainers some day.

"-and when I become champion, you and I are going to battle each other Moon." Sun told me.

I laughed. "Definitely. We will make it a good one."

All of the sudden, a horde of Beedrill attacked everyone in front of us. We all began freaking out. I could hear some of the adults try to calm us while the others battled the Beedrill. However, we all ran in separate directions.

Sum and I had ended up alone in a remote part of the forest. We couldn't see or hear anyone nearby. So of course we chose a logical option. Wait for someone to show up.

"Do you think anyone will even show up?" I asked.

"Yeah. The adults are probably scouring the forest trying to find everyone anyways." Sun said reassuringly.

So we sat under a tree in silence as we weren't sure what to do. We just waited with the thought one of the adults will find us.

After some time, we heard a rustle in the bushes. I figured that was a counselor.

"Sun, I think that's an adult. Let's go see." I said happily.

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