Author's Note

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Hello friends! 

First of all, thanks for taking the time to read this little story! This will be my first time publishing on Wattpad, so here's to hoping it's a good experience first time around! Since it's my first one, there may be some little plot inconsistencies that I might miss, or grammar errors, but I will try my best to stay on top of things!

This little novelette is a short prequel to my WIP (Work-in-Progress), which goes under the working name of Renegade. It will be largely told from a child's point of view, so if the writing is more simplistic or childlike than you're used to, that's why. 

Another thing you might notice in the course of the story is the mention of someone called "the Master." This is because the people in my fictional country called the Iron Shield refer to God with that term. 

I hope you enjoy it! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it... don't hesitate to comment if you like it, and votes would always be appreciated!

~ Emma

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