Confessed.... Accidentally

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Tap tap tap, "I see so we have some victims who are in love?" A annoymous lady voice said "Yes Mistress, and it is said that they are the ones who stopped the monster," A sweet voice replied "Hmm we will have to do something about them.. What are their names?" The lady asked, the girl smirked "Lotte....And Akko."


Akko Lotte and Sucy were waiting in the library as the boys were in their knight class. "Aghh! This is so boring!" Akko groaned, Lotte rolled her eyes. "Find something to do," Akko glared at Lotte "I can't! We're stuck in this library till the boys are done! Which is in 30 minutes! That's like kabillon seconds!" Akko groaned rolling around the table.

Sucy picked a random book on the bookcase "Here read this," Sucy threw a book at Akko. Akko opened the book to the middle of the page. "Blah blah blah Old witch blah blah minions in disguise blah blah never fall in love," Akko threw the book back at Sucy. "Akko can you just be quiet?" Lotte asked "urghh, wait I know! Let's play truth or dare!" Akko exclaimed Sucy smirked "Yeah," Sucy laughed, "Come on Lotte!" Lotte closed her book "I guess so," "Alright!" Akko exclaimed


"How did I end up in this," Amanda asked "Cause you said you would!" Amanda, Akko, Lotte, Diana, and Sucy were sitting around the table. "We're only playing this silly game for 28 minutes." Diana declared "If this game is silly, why'd you join?" Amanda asked.

Akko coughed trying to clear the tension. "Anyways let's begin! We have a bottle right here! The top is the one who has to do the truth or dare. And the bottom is the one who will make up the truth or dare! So let's begin!" Akko span the bottle. It was starting to slow down on Amanda and Diana.

Amanda snickered "So Diana, truth or dare," Diana thought for a second "Truth" Amanda sighed "Aww your no fun," she whined "Ah! I got it, is it true you really don't love Andrew but your gonna get married to him?" Amanda asked "Yes it is a business marriage," Diana confessed "pft lame," Amanda spat, "Alright! Let's spin again!" Akko exclaimed spinning the bottle it slowly came a stop to Lotte and Sucy. "Hehe truth or dare Lotte?" Sucy asked mischeviously "D-dare," Lotte stuttered everyone at the table eyes widened "Wow isn't someone brave today," Amanda whistled "I'm already having a bad day what could make it worst?" Lotte chuckled "Sucy could make your day way worst." Akko said "No I make everyone's day the best. Lotte I dare you to drink this," Sucy smirked while holding a yellow potion bottle.

Lotte nervously took the bottle from Sucy. "Umm Lotte it's not to late to turn back," Akko suggested "No no I said dare! There's no turning back!" Lotte opened the cap and gulped it all down, "Sucy this isn't going to kill her right?" Diana asked, Sucy shrugged her shoulders. "Sucy that isn't a good answer!" Akko exclaimed taking the empty bottle from Lotte.

"How do you feel?" Diana asked. There was a moment of slience "I'm feeling fine. I don't think the potion had any affect. Although it did taste like lemons." everyone sighed

"That's werid it's suppose to be a truth potion. Lotte what do you think about Akko?" Sucy asked "Akko she's obnoxious and quite dumb and doesn't pay attention to anything. But she's a very good friend that tries her best." Lotte quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Akko looked heartbroken "That's so mean!" Akko cried, Sucy started to laugh. "This is way worst than being killed Sucy! Undo this!" Lotte cried, "Don't worry it will wear off by midnight," Sucy said, Lotte groaned "But Frank! I'm gonna be with him! And I might even tell him I lo-" Lotte quickly covered her mouth. "Lotte you kinda brought this to yourself, I mean you did pick dare" Amanda stated.

Lotte sighed her hands still on her mouth. "Cheer up Lotte! Look the boys are coming back!" right on que Andrew, Louis, Frank, and Marlie walked in. "Hey guys!" Akko yelled waving her arms, they started walking to them. "Akko! Frank can't see me like this!!" Lotte hissed running away, "She's like a vampire but the sun is Frank," Sucy said, "Hey," Andrew said

"Where did Lotte go?" Frank asked "Probably the dorms," Sucy said "You should go check up on her," Amanda suggested smirking, "Yeah okay, see you guys later." Frank ran off following Lotte. "Their so in love" Amanda mumbled "Really?" Akko asked "Yeah isn't it clear?" "Didn't Lotte reject Frank?" Louis asked "No, she's just embarrassed about telling, but after this they will be dating," Sucy laughed "Ah I see..." Akko mumbled.


"Lotte!! Open up the door!" Frank yelled banging on the door, there was no answer. He grabbed the key in he's pocket and unlocked the door. Lotte was hiding under her blanket. Frank closed the door behind him. "Lotte come out." Frank said siiting next to her. "No! If I do I'll start talking about her kind personality how funny you are and how your always there for me and how I -" Lotte cut herself off blushing madly. Frank started to blush too "I'm already having the worst time! But please don't leave.." Lotte said mumbling the last part.

"Yeah I won't leave you ever." Frank said throwing the blanket to the ground. Lotte and Frank stared at each other. "Lotte I-i'm sorry, I-I " "I like you Frank," Lotte said looking away from Frank. Frank smiled "I like you too Lotte," Frank and Lotte stared at each other.

Frank suddenly stood up rubbing the back of he's neck "Well I-i'm gonna go get drinks b-be right back!" Frank exclaimed running out of the dorm.

He closed the door and started walking to go get drinks smiling like a maniac, he suddenly stopped "AHH YESS! YESS!! YES!!" He danced around, everyone stared at him like a crazy person. "I'm so happy.." Frank smiled leaning against the wall.

Lotte smiled at nothing hugging her pillow tightly. "He likes me.." she mumbled digging her head in her pillow.

"Excuse me sir..." A pink haired girl asked Frank, "Yes?" he asked happily "Are you a Knight?" She asked "Yes, why?" He asked suspiciously "I'm sorry but you broke the contract.." She said leaning into him.


"I wonder how things are going for Lotte and Frank," Akko asked, "I hope things are going okay.." there was a silent moment. "I don't think it went well. Look." Sucy pointed to Frank and a pink haired girl, "No way.." Andrew mumbled.

The girl kissed Frank and thus Frank was never the same....


Argh I hated writing that part. BUT ANYWAYS IM BACK IN TOWN! I went to camp then on vacation then on another vacation and now I'm here. It took forever to write this down I kept changing my ideas. Oh and thank for whoever asked for truth or dare you saved me, hehe. Sorry if this was short. Anyways...

See you next chap!

See you next chap!

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