~Chapter 7~

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Before I knew it, the next day was here and I was already geared up in some heavy armor and marching with an army behind me. I had no idea what was going on. Moon suddenly stopped us at the boarder of the woods and gave orders all around. Some people hiked away in large teams. Some people left alone in groups of 3. Some people left alone like Mina. Moon looked at me from atop little Chauncey and her serious demeanor changed. She smiled lightly at me and spoke up. "Since you're fairly new, I'll give you a choice in this like I did for Mina. You can take as many men with you as you want, or you can go alone. There's no telling how long this mission will be. Just be safe ok?" Moon asked me. I smiled back at her and replied. "It's fine my queen. I can handle this alone. I promise I can handle this 100%! After all, I was around long enough to recieve training from the previous queen of Mewnie herself, Solaria." I reminded her. Moon nodded and waved me goodbye. I headed into the woods quickly and went further than the others...or at least before they could scour past the butterfly kindom and in the forest of imminent death.

Once inside, I whispered for Toffee. At first I started to believe he left without me and I became discouraged. Suddenly, he slipped from a tree above me and barely landed on my head. He stood up and dusted himself off as if nothing happened but when he saw me, his face turned to amazement. He even let out a little gasp which was unexpected becuase he's always so stoic and in control of his facial expression. "Well, don't you look nice?" He began to tease my heavy, powder blue and pink armor. "No time for that now, we gotta go. Where are the others?" I asked him. He shook his head and dug around in his pocket. "Oh them? They'll be a worthy sacrifice to the cause. Consider it a test of endurance since they all fled that day your queen rode into camp instead of staying and fighting with me. We could've easily all take her down while she uttered her little spell to blast any of us again. The idiots I were with obviously didn't think of that." Toffee said with a bit of frustration showing on his face. "Now let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled a pair of interdimensional scissors from his pocket. He cut an escape rift and we both traveled through it. In no time, I was surrounded by a jungle like atmosphere.

"Alright we're here. The first thing you'll do is take off all that ridiculous armor that you're wearing. If not, the others will suppose you're a spy and they'll attack you on the spot." He explained to me. I gasped and immediately stripped down until I was in my plain white dress underneath. Toffee choked up again and cleared his demeanor to not seem so bothered. He used his claws to alter my uniform for the time being. I was left with not much else beside a tattered dress, chest armor, and a sword. He also tied back my kinky hair into a ponytail. "Something is missing. You're too...soft." Toffee sighed and shook his head. "I don't really want to do this but, it has to be done. I apologize for it." He spoke while getting closer and closer to me. "Toffee, what are you-" before I could finish, he had picked up some mud and smeared it on my face. I looked at him in a confused way and he chuckled to himself. "I had to dirty you up a bit. You look like you've never been in any kind of wilderness." Toffee then grabbed my hand and led me through the jungle like area. I kept my mouth shut and my ears wide open. In other words, I was listening and paying attention to my surroundings. I know that the dangerous monster stereotype was over played in Mewni, but I was still a newcomer here. I'm sure they wouldn't take too kindly to the 'pampered little servant' type around these parts.

"Toffee, is this Septarsis?" I asked him after a while of silence. "This is my home dimension. The entire thing is considered Septarsis, but this is what I consider to be the most important and the main part of Septarsis." He said as a large village started to appear in the distance. Soon he let go of my hand and I just followed behind him closely. I had to resist the overwhelming urge to grab his tail and walk along with it but I'm sure that would be deemed innappropriate in this case. I had no real experience with a monster except for the one from my childhood. But now I was in a dimesion strictly consisting of monsters. I had followed a monster here. "What are you so quiet for?" Toffee brought me from my thoughts. "It's nothing. It's just...how do I know I can trust you and all?" I was hesitant to ask him. I was worried that I'd offend him, but it was the exact opposite. "How do you know you can trust me? Come here, and I'll explain." Toffee told me as we walked into a tavern. It was a little loud and rowdy at first, but he led us to the back of the tavern and sat us at a table. Almost immediately did a reptile-like monster approached us. She was beautiful, monster or not.

"Hello. My name is Grenda. Can I get you guys anything tonight?" She asked us politely. I could tell that she was staring at me from the corner of her eyes. Everyone kept stealing glances at me. How could they not? I was the only non-septarian creature in the tavern, and possibly the ONLY one in this dimension currently. "West mewnian swamp water. Bring the whole bottle and two shot glasses please." Toffee told her. She nodded cheerfully and went to get the drink. I then turned my attention back to Toffee. His expression was just as plain as ever. Suddenly, he piped up. "About your question earlier? I'll tell you why you can trust me." Toffee spoke to me. "You can trust me because I'm obviously planning to release a plague upon your kingdom and every mewman there until my monsters get the peace we deserve. If that is so, which it is, then I wouldn't have you at my side right now. In short...If I were to betray or kill you, then I would've done that by now. I'm not mad at you for asking me that question earlier because I'm a stranger that you literally met a few days ago. The second reason is because I'm a monster. No matter how much you sympathize with monsters, you were still conditioned from an early age to believe we're all bad. I forgive you for that." Toffee explained to me. I relaxed in my chair and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I didn't want to offend you or anything like that." I smiled lightly at him. When I smiled his eyes widened and he looked down at the table. "No its...it's quite alright." He cleared his throat and looked at the blank wall beside us. His brows furrowed and for a moment, I swore I could see a red blush on his face in the dim purple lighting.

Toffee Romance (part 1) TrustWhere stories live. Discover now