Wolfstripe's Kits?! #34

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I awoke the next day full of excitement and joy. I felt like I was floating around camp rather than walking. I skipped around camp collecting herbs and berries even when it started a thin drizzle. I looked out at Iceclan wondering if I could see Wolfstripe again. I wanted to call out his name, but there might of been a patrol out. So while I was out there I practised my hunting and fighting skills. I suddenly hear some meows coming from the other side of the frozen river and I go to investigate.
I look through some ferns to see Wolfstripe with a white and black she-cat and two kits.
What's he doing? I wondered.
I kept on watching seeing Wolfstripe play with a small black kit. The kit was clambering on Wolfstripes back as he stumbled about.
"Wooooooooooaaaaaaaaaah!!" Wolfstripe mewed as he tripped and slid down to the frozen river.
I giggled as the kit mewed "That... was... AMAZING!!!" While jumping up and down.
The she-cat that seemed to be the mother of the kits slid down to help Wolfstripe.
"Need a paw?" She mewed and I saw a glint of amusement in her eyes.
The she-cat lifted the black kit off his back allowing Wolfstripe to stand. The she-cat put the kit down and Wolfstripe circled her playfully.
Are those his kits? I thought feeling jealous.
The she-cat pounced on Wolfstripe and pinned him down. Wolfstripe batted her ear playfully. The she-cat said something but I couldn't hear her. She got off him and accidentally stood on his tummy.
"Owf!" He moaned.

"Commmmmmmmming through!" a small tan ginger she-kit mewed.
"You're so good with them, Greyfrost was never as good" The she-cat mewed.
I felt jealous and I wanted to pounce on the she-cat but I stayed still.
"I know how it feels losing a cat you care about, or knowing they are alive but you can't love them" Wolfstripe mewed.

I stood staring at him, hidden in ferns thinking about what he just said.
He can't be talking about me? Can he? I thought my heart pounding.

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