Chapter 9- Daybreak

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Sunlight filtered through the triangle-shaped window of the Pines twins' bedroom. Star's eyes fluttered open, and at first she was startled when she realized that she wasn't in her bed at the Diaz's. She then remembered what had happened the night before, and let out a small breath. She then noticed the arm draped over her torso, and the presence of another person snuggled quite close to her. Star suppressed the immediate urge to squeal as she realized Marco was spooning her. Internally collecting herself, she decided to not wake her sleeping friend, and instead cuddled closer to him, listening to his slow, steady breathing. She was just beginning to drift back to sleep when she heard a muffled gasp. Star opened her eyes to see Mabel sitting upright in her bed, covering her mouth with one hand and with the other pointing a quivering finger at her and her sleeping friend. Star blushed, rolling her eyes at the brunette. You guys are SO CUTE, Mabel mouthed silently. Star couldn't help but agree with her, as she was in a state of pure bliss. From next to her, Star heard a small yawn, and turned her back to Mabel. She rolled over to face Marco as he awoke. She watched as his large brown eyes slowly opened, still heavy with sleep. When he registered who he was looking at, and who he had his arm around, all he could do was smile. "Good morning, Marco," Star whispered, running her hand through his messy hair. "Morning, Star," he breathed, gazing into her clear blue eyes. "Sleep well?"

"Like a baby," Star sighed happily, nestling her head under Marco's chin. The boy smiled, using the arm that was already draped around her small waist to pull her body closer to his, and her sweet, almost fruity scent overwhelmed him. He loved the way she smelled, as if she'd just washed her hair. Star was just content listening to the steady rhythm of Marco's heartbeat. The two cuddled for a bit, Mabel had fallen back asleep and neither of the other girls had even woken up yet. After about 5 minutes' time, Marco finally sat up, rubbing his eyes groggily. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom," he said, stepping gingerly off the bed and tiptoeing past the girls asleep on the floor. He left the room, only to poke his head back in the room with a nervous chuckle. "Second door to your left," Star said with a smirk, and the boy was gone again. Star had her wand at the ready, as Marco peeked his head back in seconds later, and Star poofed him an extra change of his normal attire. "You're the best, Star," he said over his shoulder, leaving the room for good this time.
Once the rest of the girls had awoken, they all exchanged morning greetings and changed out of their pajamas. Once everyone was dressed, they walked out of the bedroom, at the same time Marco opened the bathroom door, dressed and neatly groomed and looking fresh. They all walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen for breakfast. No one was prepared for what awaited them.

Sitting at the table, wearing a dark hooded cape, was a rather tall woman with pink diamonds on her cheeks. She had piercing blue eyes, but at the same time there was a glimmer of maternal kindness to them. She was sipping delicately at a cup of tea, staring blankly into space, something urgent obviously plaguing her mind. Sitting across the table from her was Ford, his hair uncharacteristically disheveled, and he had bags under his eyes. He too was sipping on a hot beverage, but his was black coffee.

Upon noticing the group of dumbfounded teens, the woman instantly stood up and walked over to Star. She pulled the hood off of her head, a long light blue braid falling down all the way to her knees. She also had bangs, which were nearly identical to Star's. The woman urgently placed her hands on the blonde girl's shoulders, completely ignoring the others. She looked deep into Star's eyes.

"Mom? What are you-" Star started, before the woman cut her off. "Star, I don't have time to explain, but suffice it to say, you are no longer safe here on Earth. We must leave for Mewni immediately." From the pocket of her hood, she pulls out two scissor blades, which Marco instantly recognized as having belonged to Hekapoo. She slashed through the air with both blades in an X-like motion, creating a blue portal. She took Star by the hand, pulling her through the portal with her, despite the princess's protests. "Wait, Mom, no! You can't do this, Marco, I never got a chance to tell you-!" she yelped urgently, before being yanked through the portal.

It closed instantly behind her.

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